All clinical trials on the European Union Clinical Trials Register (EUCTR) must report their results in the registry within a year of completion. This site tracks who's doing this and who isn't. Learn more »
These trials completed more than 12 months ago and should have reported results. Some have, some have not.
These trials are not yet due to report results: some are ongoing, some completed within the past 12 months.
These trials have problematic data on the registry. Details why »
Status | Trial ID | Title | Completion date | Category |
Reported results | 2005-001621-29 | A dose finding safety and immune efficacy study for primary mucosal insulin therapy in islet autoantibody negative children at high genetic risk for type 1 diabetes | 2013-09-15 | due-trials |
Reported results Terminated | 2005-002407-17 | Effects of rosiglitazone on renal hemodynamics and proteinuria of type 2 diabetic patients with renal insufficiency due to overt diabetic nephropathy | 2010-11-30 | due-trials |
Ongoing, reported early | 2005-004640-31 | Control of therapy of acne papulopustulosa by visible light with waterfiltered infrared and / or Adapalen (Differin Gel) | not-yet-due | |
Reported results | 2006-000186-11 | Double blind randomized placebo controlled study by virtual histology on the influence of oral pioglitazone for 9 month on the development of coronary plaques in non-diabetic patients with coronary he... | 2011-06-30 | due-trials |
Ongoing | 2006-000501-37 | Monozentrische, offene Therapiestudie zur Behandlung von Psoriasis-Patienten ab vollendetem 18. Lebensjahr mit Fumaderm® in Kombination mit einer UVB-Therapie (311 nm) im intraindividuellen Halbseiten... | not-yet-due | |
Reported results | 2006-000754-40 | Interaktion von Statinen mit Clopidogrel als Sekundärprophylaxe bei der akuten zerebralen Ischämie - CLOPISTAT | 2008-07-01 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2006-001040-31 | Treatment of the haematological relapse in patients suffering from acute myeloid leukaemia or myelodysplastic syndrome with 5-Azacytidin (Vidaza®) after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation "RELAZA... | 2011-09-28 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2006-001075-37 | A Multi-center Phase III Study Comparing Myeloablative to Nonmyeloablative Transplantation in Patients with Myelodysplastic Syndrome or Acute Myelogenous Leukemia. | 2013-11-21 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2006-003451-20 | Phase II study to evaluate the efficacy of a chemotherapy combination with Imatinib (Glivec®) and 5-FU/leucovorin in patients with advanced carcinoma of the gallbladder and bile duct | 2010-03-31 | due-trials |
Ongoing, reported early | 2006-003590-27 | Untersuchungen zur antipsoriatischen Wirkung der UVB-induzierten Synthese von 1alpha, 25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1alpha, 25(OH)2D3, Calcitriol) in Keratinozyten läsionaler psoriatischer Haut unter Verwen... | not-yet-due | |
Reported results Terminated | 2006-003667-31 | Prednisolone vs. Ciclosporine in Severe Atopic Eczema. PROVE - Study | 2008-09-01 | due-trials |
Exempt, with results | 2006-004065-34 | Open labeled, multicenter phase I / II study evaluating the dose escalation/ safety of Cetuximab and Oxaliplatin/ 5-FU/FA/ Irinotecan as first-line treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer | not-yet-due | |
Reported results | 2006-004323-10 | Effektivität und Verträglichkeit von Esomeprazol, Moxifloxacin und Amoxicillin in der Reservetherapie der Helicobacter pylori Infektion. | 2010-09-19 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2006-004467-65 | Influence of pioglitazone for renal transplant function in diabetics | 2010-10-28 | due-trials |
Ongoing | 2007-001339-69 | Protocol for standardized diagnostic procedures, registration, and treatment recommendations in children and adolescents with Philadelphia chromosome-positive chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). A multice... | not-yet-due | |
Reported results Terminated | 2007-002433-37 | Lenalidomide maintenance therapy in patients with MDS or AML with cytogenetic abnormalities involving monosomy 5 or del5q after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) | 2011-01-07 | due-trials |
Completed, but no date Terminated | 2007-003922-70 | Uncontrolled, open Phase IIa study to investigate efficacy and safety of efalizumab in patients with moderate to severe palmoplantar pustular psoriasis (PPP) | bad-data | |
Reported results | 2007-004279-20 | Comparison of the atrophogenic effect of hydrocortisone 1% cream and Elidel (Pimecrolimus 1% cream) assessed by Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) and 20-MHZ ultrasound of uninvolved skin in patients ... | 2008-07-15 | due-trials |
Ongoing, reported early | 2007-007170-30 | Untersuchung des Phänotyps und der Funktion proinflammatorischer dendritischer Zellen während einer Therapie der Psoriasis vulgaris mit einem TNFalpha Antagonisten Investigation of phenotype and func... | not-yet-due | |
Reported results | 2008-004968-40 | A double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized, multi-center phase II trial to assess the efficacy of Sorafenib added to standard primary therapy in patients with newly diagnosed AML ≤ 60 years of age | 2014-09-25 | due-trials |
Reported results Terminated | 2008-005085-30 | Einfluss von Rasagilin auf das Riechvermögen von Patienten mit idiopathischem Parkinson-Syndrom (Reversibility of olfactory loss in patients with Idiopathic Parkinson’s disease following treatment wi... | 2011-11-28 | due-trials |
Reported results Terminated | 2009-011397-14 | Effect of anti-TNF-alpha therapy on endothelial progenitor cells and endothelial dysfunction in patients with psoriasis without risk factors for atherosclerosis | 2015-01-23 | due-trials |
Completed, but no date, and reported results | 2009-011968-11 | Radio-/Chemotherapie des Pankreaskarzinoms Radio-/Chemotherapy of pancreas carcinoma | bad-data | |
Reported results Terminated | 2009-014768-21 | Treatment of MDS patients with single agent temsirolimus – a pilot study | 2013-06-14 | due-trials |
Reported results Terminated | 2009-017520-88 | Ciclosporin vs. Alitretinoin for severe atopic hand dermatitis. A randomized controlled investigator-initiated double-blind trial. | 2012-03-22 | due-trials |
Reported results Terminated | 2010-019377-15 | Randomisierte Studie zur allogenen hämatopoetischen Stammzelltransplantation im Vergleich zur Standardchemotherapie bei Patienten in erster kompletter Remission im Alter von <=60 Jahren mit AML interm... | 2020-04-30 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2010-022388-37 | Treatment of patients with MDS or AML with an impending hematological relapse with Azacitidin (Vidaza) Behandlung des drohenden hämatologischen Rezidivs von Patienten mit MDS oder AML mit Azacitidi... | 2021-02-10 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2010-022584-35 | Clofarabine salvage therapy in patients with relapsed or refractory AML The BRIDGE Trial (Therapie mit Clofarabin bei rezidivierter oder refraktärer akuter myeloischer Leukämie (Bridge-Studie)) | 2013-08-23 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2010-023756-82 | Rasagiline treatment for Sleep disorders in Parkinson´s disease | 2015-04-30 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2011-002567-17 | A single-arm phase II trial to assess the efficacy of Midostaurin (PKC412) added to standard primary therapy in patients with newly diagnosed c-KIT or FLT3-ITD mutated t(8;21) AML | 2019-10-30 | due-trials |
Completed, but no date, and reported results Terminated | 2011-003288-31 | Open, randomized, multicenter phase II trial with cetuximab /5-FU/FA/irinotecan or cetuximab/5-FU/FA /irinotecan/oxaliplatin in ras wild type patients or with irinotecan/oxaliplatin/5-FU/FA with or wi... | bad-data | |
Reported results | 2011-003894-27 | Tolerance and effect of an add-on therapy with an ivy leaves dry extract syrup on lung function in children with asthma. Verträglichkeit und Einfluss einer zusätzlichen Behandlung mit einem Efeubl... | 2013-05-08 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2011-004953-17 | Measurement of epidermal and dermal thickness under therapy with Pimecrolimus 1 % Creme (Elidel® 1 % Creme), Hydrocortisonacetat 1 % Creme (Hydrogalen® Creme), Betamethasonvalerat 0,1 % Creme (Betaga... | 2014-11-01 | due-trials |
Reported results Terminated | 2012-001947-31 | Ofatumumab Induction and Maintenance in Elderly Patients with Poor Risk CLL in the Context of Allogeneic Transplantation: CLLX4 Trial Ofatumumab Induktions- und Erhaltungstherapie bei älteren Patie... | 2015-08-05 | due-trials |
Reported results Terminated | 2013-000970-31 | Randomized, placebo-controlled multicenter trial of lithium plus treatment as usual (TAU) for acute suicidal ideation and behaviour in patients with suicidal major depressive episode | 2020-04-01 | due-trials |
Completed, but no date | 2013-001770-19 | 6 month, multi-center, open-label, prospective, randomized trial, investigating a standard regimen of an advagraf based immunosuppressive regimen in de-novo renal transplant patients versus a slowe... | bad-data | |
Reported results | 2013-003191-12 | Randomized comparison between two dose levels of daunorubicin and between one versus two cycles of in-duction therapy for adult patients with acute myeloid leukemia ≤65 years Randomisierter Vergle... | 2022-04-25 | due-trials |
Completed, but no date, and reported results Terminated | 2013-003421-28 | Randomised controlled phase-2 trial to determine the efficacy of adoptive immunotherapy with haploidentical natural killer cells in high-risk acute myeloid leukemia Randomisiert-kontrollierte Phase... | bad-data | |
Reported results | 2014-003150-13 | A randomized placebo-controlled phase 2 study of decitabine with or without eltrombopag in AML patients ≥65 years of age not eligible for intensive chemotherapy Randomisierte Placebo-kontrollierte ... | 2020-12-26 | due-trials |
Listed as ongoing, but also has a completion date | 2015-001151-68 | A randomized Phase III study to compare arsenic trioxide (ATO) combined to ATRA and idarubicin versus standard ATRA and anthracycLines-based chemotherapy (AIDA regimen) for patient with newLy diagnose... | 2025-01-21 | bad-data |
Reported results Terminated | 2015-002831-16 | Validation of a test system for development of medications for alcoholism VALIDIERUNG EINES TESTSYSTEMS FÜR DIE ENTWICKLUNG VON MEDIKAMENTEN BEI ALKOHOLABHÄNGIGKEIT | 2017-09-04 | due-trials |
Ongoing, reported early | 2017-000768-13 | An open-label phase II multicenter study of vemurafenib (Zelboraf®) plus cobimetinib (Cotellic®) after radiosurgery in patients with active BRAF-V600-mutant melanoma brain metastases | not-yet-due | |
Other | 2017-004110-25 | MRD-guided treatment with pembrolizumab and azacitidine in NPM1mut AML patients with an imminent hematological relapse | not-yet-due | |
Not reported Terminated | 2018-001386-16 | Investigation of the efficacy of acamprosate and calcium in comparison to placebo as validation of a behavioural test for alcohol dependence (TEMACA) Untersuchung der Wirksamkeit von Acamprosat und... | 2023-09-05 | due-trials |
Exempt | 2018-003025-28 | Phase-I/II trial for relapsed or refractory AML patients combining cytarabine and mitoxantrone with venetoclax Phase-I/II Studie für Patienten mit rezidivierter oder refraktärer Akuter Myeloisch... | not-yet-due | |
Other | 2018-003691-12 | Circulating tumour DNA based decision for adjuvant treatment in colon cancer stage II evaluation (CIRCULATE) AIO-KRK-0217 Evaluierung der adjuvanten Therapie beim Dickdarmkrebs im Stadium II nach ... | not-yet-due | |
Exempt | 2019-003863-23 | Midostaurin + Gemtuzumab Ozogamicin combination in first-line standard therapy for acute myeloid leukemia Midostaurin in Kombination mit Gemtuzumab Ozogamicin als Erstlinientherapie für Patienten m... | not-yet-due | |
Completed, report not yet due Terminated | 2020-000529-19 | A RANDOMIZED, DOUBLE-BLIND, PLACEBO-CONTROLLED CROSS-OVER STUDY FOR EVALUATION OF THE EFFICIENCY AND SAFETY OF TIOTROPIUM INHALATION SOLUTION (5 µG) VIA RESPIMAT® INHALER once a day for 24 weeks for c... | 2024-06-26 | not-yet-due |
Other | 2020-002683-31 | A Phase II, single-arm trial of Atezolizumab/Platinum/Etoposide for the treatment of advanced large-cell neuroendocrine cancer of the lung Einarmige Phase II-Studie mit Atezolizumab, Platin und Eto... | not-yet-due | |
Ongoing | 2021-003248-26 | Venetoclax plus Azacitidine versus Standard intensive Chemotherapy for Patients with newly diagnosed Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) and NPM1 Mutations eligible for intensive Treatment (VINCENT) Venet... | not-yet-due |