These trials completed more than 12 months ago and should have reported results. Some have, some have not.

These trials are not yet due to report results: some are ongoing, some completed within the past 12 months.

These trials have problematic data on the registry. Details why »

Status Trial ID Title Completion date Category
Not reported 2008-004044-36 Behandling af præmaligne hudlæsioner med topikal imiquimod og fotodynamisk terapi hos organtransplanterede patienter - et randomiseret intraindividuelt forsøg med blindet effektvurdering 2016-12-01 due-trials
Not reported 2008-006863-35 Prophylactic photodynamic therapy for organ transplant patients – a randomised, intra-individual trial with blinded outcome evaluation. Profylaktisk fotodynamisk terapi för organtransplanterade pat... 2022-03-01 due-trials
Reported results 2008-008377-56 Melatonin for træthed og andre symptomer hos patienter med fremskreden kræft 2013-03-27 due-trials
Not reported 2009-012069-70 Blood- and urinary concentrations of inhaled salmeterol in asthmatic subjects and elite athletes with asthma. 2010-09-30 due-trials
Ongoing 2010-020933-25 Fraktioneret CO2 laser-assisteret fotodynamisk terapi versus keratolytisk behandling af terapiresistente fodvorter not-yet-due
Reported results 2011-002987-26 Effects of high dose terbutaline on physical performance in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and acute inflammatory response after exercise 2012-07-03 due-trials
Completed, but no date Terminated 2011-005984-25 Inflammation after photodynamic therapy of actinic keratoses bad-data
Not reported 2011-006012-31 Reducing light sensitivity after photodynamic therapy 2012-08-07 due-trials
Not reported 2012-002233-11 Photodynamic therapy with topical methyl aminolevulinate for actinic keratosis in organ transplant recipients: Methods to improve treatment Fotodynamisk terapi med topikal methyl-aminolevulinat ti... 2013-02-01 due-trials
Reported results Terminated 2012-002804-42 The effects of high dose beta2-agonists on physical performance in healthy male subjects 2013-07-22 due-trials
Not reported 2012-004503-13 Effect of Glococorticosteroids on physical performance in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and acute inflammatory response after exercise Effect of Glococorticosteroids on physic... 2014-03-21 due-trials
Reported results 2013-000483-29 The influence of exercise and hydration to the pharmacological response to inhaled terbutalin and salbutamol in men Betydningen af arbejde og hydreringsstatus for det farmakologiske respons af inha... 2014-08-12 due-trials
Not reported Terminated 2013-001143-31 TARGET “Targeting the small airways in asthma” Does fine particle ICS improve peripheral airway inflammation and function in patients with insufficient response to large particle ICS? 2015-03-01 due-trials
Not reported 2013-001240-64 Effect of intact GLP-1 (7-36) and GLP-1 metabolite (9-36) on coronary and peripheral vascular function in adults 2018-06-19 due-trials
Completed, but no date Terminated 2013-001364-30 Ultrasoundguided transmuscular quadrates lumborum block after elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy. A prospective, randomised clinical trial. Ultralydsvejledt Transmuskulær Quadratus Lumborum blok... bad-data
Reported results 2013-001400-11 Optimal postoperative pain management by ultrasoundguided abdominal wall nerve blockade for laparoscopic surgery for acute appendicitis - a randomised controlled trial. Optimal smertebehandling med... 2013-12-14 due-trials
Reported results 2013-002583-80 Treatment of Actinic Keratoses with Ingenol Mebutate and topical glucocorticosteroid - a safety study 2014-01-28 due-trials
Not reported 2013-004905-15 Does asthma phenotype have impact on disease control Har astmafænotyperne betydning for sygdomskontrol 2016-04-26 due-trials
Completed, but no date, and reported results Terminated 2013-004954-58 Near infrared imaging and measurement of extremity lymphatic collector function using indocyanine green Nær-infrarød billeddannelse og måling af lymfekarrenes funktion i ekstremiteterne med indocya... bad-data
Not reported Terminated 2013-005438-39 Pulse photodynamic therapy with methyl aminolevulinate activated by a halogen lamp Puls-fotodynamisk terapi med methylaminolevulinat aktiveret ved halogenlampe 2014-04-01 due-trials
Not reported 2014-001440-38 Methods to increase PpIX formation in the skin of healthy volunteers 2014-09-18 due-trials
Not reported 2014-002139-33 Pharmacokinetics of inhaled salmeterol administrated in healthy trained males Farmakokinetik for inhaleret salmeterol hos raske trænede mænd 2016-05-29 due-trials
Reported results 2014-002140-40 Pharmacological properties of in haled and oral terbutalin administrated in healthy trained males Farmakologiske egenskaber for inhaleret og oral terbutalin hos raske trænede mænd 2017-02-13 due-trials
Not reported 2014-002756-11 Photodynamic therapy with varying application times for treatment of actinic keratosis 2015-11-24 due-trials
Not reported 2014-002932-15 The effect of inhaled glucocorticoids on the content of Na+/K+ pumps in human skeletal muscle 2015-01-19 due-trials
Exempt 2014-004554-34 An open label, explorative pharmacokinetic trial, to investigate the Cytochrome (CYP) CYP3A4, - 2E1 and – 1A2 clearance in Obese – versus Non Obese Children by use of well-tested probes (midazolam, ch... 2017-05-31 not-yet-due
Reported results 2014-004879-23 Does perineural dexamethason prolong duration of an adductor canal block when controlling for a systemic effect? A randomized, blinded, crossover study in healthy volunteers 2015-03-02 due-trials
Not reported 2014-005186-73 Impact of intense exercise on pharmacokinetics of glucocorticoides in relation to doping analysis Intens trænings indvirkning på glukokortikoids farmakokinetik i relation til doping analyse 2017-09-30 due-trials
Completed, but no date, and reported results Terminated 2015-001550-14 Extracorporeal Photopheresis Treatment in steroid refractory acute and chronic Graft versus Host Disease Behandling af steroidrefraktær akut og kronisk Graft versus Host Disease med Ekstrakorporal ... bad-data
Reported results 2015-002153-35 Effect of Glucagon-like peptide-1 stimulation on coronary microvascular dysfunction in women with angina pectoris and no obstructive stenosis of major coronary vessels Effekt af Glucagon-like pepid... 2017-04-18 due-trials
Reported results 2015-002331-18 Pretreatment with ablative fractional laser and microdermabrasion before photodynamic therapy for actinic keratoses in field-cancerized skin 2016-12-22 due-trials
Not reported 2015-003003-29 5-flourouracil treatment prior to photodynamic therapy of actinic keratosis on the hands 2016-02-24 due-trials
Not reported 2015-003020-31 Pulse-Daylight-Photodynamic Therapy of Actinic Keratoses 2016-08-31 due-trials
Reported results 2015-004789-27 Topical brimonidine to reduce post-inflammatory response after IPL- treatment and effect on IPL-efficacy in patients with facial telangiectasias Topikal brimonidin til reduktion af inflammatorisk r... 2017-01-13 due-trials
Reported results 2015-004916-39 PreOperative Steroid in Abdominal Wall Reconstruction: A Double-blinded Randomized Clinical Trial 2018-05-30 due-trials
Reported results 2015-005542-56 Effects of anti-TSLP on airway hyperresponsiveness and mast cell phenotype in asthma - A randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of MEDI9929 The UPSTREAM study 2019-11-14 due-trials
Not reported Terminated 2016-002508-16 Optimized photodynamic therapy for basal cell carcinoma 2021-03-01 due-trials
Completed, but no date, and reported results 2016-002819-18 Pharmacological effects of acute and accumulated salbutamol in relation to doping analysis Farmakologiske effekter af akut og akkumuleret salbutamol i relation til doping analyse bad-data
Reported results 2016-003509-33 The RECONSTRUCT study Reconstructing Disease Mechanisms in Asthma 2019-02-28 due-trials
Reported results Terminated 2016-005084-14 PpIX in curetted and non-curetted skin after Metvix application 2017-08-21 due-trials
Reported results 2017-000240-17 Effect of SGLT2 inhibition on coronary microvascular function in type 2 diabetes Effekt af SGLT2 hæmmer på hjertets mikrovaskulære funktion hos patienter med diabetes type 2 2018-12-17 due-trials
Reported results 2017-000495-28 SIGNATURE - the 6-gene signature as a predictor of response to treatment in severe asthma and ACOS Anvendelse af 6-gen signaturen til at forudsige behandlingseffekt ved svær astma og astma-KOL over... 2019-06-30 due-trials
Reported results 2017-001701-33 Photodynamic therapy without curettage 2017-12-14 due-trials
Not reported 2017-002553-11 Cardiovascular effects of high dose insulin therapy. A multi-arm, randomized, participant-and-investigator-blinded, crossover study investigating glucagon's effects on heart rate, blood pressure, and ... 2022-02-22 due-trials
Not reported 2017-002670-39 Hyperoxia and antioxidant intervention during major non-cardiac surgery and risk of cerebral and cardiovascular complications, a blinded 2x2 factorial randomized clinical trial 2020-02-21 due-trials
Not reported Terminated 2017-002776-83 Neuro-Ox-2018: Assessment of cerebral oxygenation under three clinically relevant conditions 2020-11-01 due-trials
Reported results 2017-002843-14 Investigations of local skin reactions and safety after combined treatment of basal cell carcinoma using ablative fractional laser and ingenol mebutate - an exloratory, prospective, open-label phase 2... 2018-05-18 due-trials
Reported results 2017-002975-25 Multimodal optical imaging for pretreatment evaluation for cutaneous microparticle delivery Forbehandlings betydning for applikation af guldmikropartikler vurderet ved multimodal optisk billeddanne... 2018-07-18 due-trials
Reported results Terminated 2017-003590-33 Pharmacokinetics of prednisolone in children with airway disease -The POP child 2021-03-01 due-trials
Completed, but no date, and reported results Terminated 2018-000189-12 Treatment of photodamaged skin of the décolleté with fractional laser, radio-frequency microneedling, and photodynamic therapy bad-data
Other 2018-002699-42 Danish trial of beta blocker treatment after myocardial infarction without reduced ejection fraction (DANBLOCK) not-yet-due
Completed, report not yet due 2019-002394-59 Medical Cannabis for fibromyalgia - The CANNFIB trial Protocol for a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallelgroup, single-center trial Medicinsk Cannbis for fibromyalgi - CANNFIB stu... 2024-02-14 not-yet-due
Reported results 2019-002545-38 Biodistribution of ablative fractional laser-assisted topical delivery of Vismodegib in basal cell carcinomas. 2021-12-30 due-trials
Exempt, with results Terminated 2019-002638-36 Glucagon Dose-response Relationship for Cardiovascular Activity A Randomized, participant-blinded, Crossover Study 2023-05-17 not-yet-due
Reported results 2019-002730-36 Calcium electroporation for basal cell carcinomas – a ’Proof of concept’ study Calcium elektroporation til behandling af basalcellekarcinomer – ’Proof of concept’ studium 2022-06-29 due-trials
Reported results 2019-002960-29 Assessing the efficacy of image-guided laser-assisted Enstilar® delivery for treatment of psoriatic nails - a proof-of-concept, single-center, prospective, open-label, randomized, clinical trial with ... 2021-09-09 due-trials
Reported results 2019-003310-14 Laser immunotherapy with and without topical anti-PD1 in basal cell carcinomas Laser immunterapi med og uden topikal anti-PD1 til behandling af basal celle karcinomer 2021-10-11 due-trials
Not reported Terminated 2020-001793-30 Preventing Disease Aggravation in COVID-19 by high dose Vitamin D: a randomized trial (COVIT-D) 2023-03-09 due-trials
Reported results 2020-003358-63 OPTIMAL - Titration of treatment with biologics in severe asthma 2023-09-28 due-trials
Completed, report not yet due Terminated 2020-005177-27 Preoperative Viscous Lidocaine for Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 2024-10-21 not-yet-due
Exempt, with results 2020-005839-76 Effects of single dose tadalafil on urethral and anal closure function and on urinary flow in healthy females: A randomised, controlled, double-blinded, two-period cross-over study 2022-01-10 not-yet-due
Completed, report not yet due 2021-000096-36 The effect of subcutaneous injection of Botulinum Toxin A on chronic wound pain in lower extremities, a prospective exploratory study Effekt af subkutan injektion af Botulinum toxine (Botox) på kro... 2024-04-22 not-yet-due
Reported results 2021-000877-10 Longevity of microwave thermolysis and botulinum toxin A for treatment of axillary hyperhidrosis: a randomized intra-individual trial 2023-04-24 due-trials
Reported results 2021-001586-21 Does 4% 5-fluorouracil pre-treatment improve the efficacy of daylight photodynamic therapy for actinic keratoses – a randomized controlled study 2023-12-06 due-trials
Reported results 2021-002188-23 Association between variations in CYP pheno- and genotypes and plasma concentration of chlordiazepoxide in the treatment of alcohol withdrawal symptoms 2023-06-11 due-trials
Reported results 2021-003153-39 Treatment of striae distensae with fractional radiofrequency and topical tretinoin: An intra-individual study with blinded outcome assessment 2023-07-05 due-trials
Completed, report not yet due 2021-003895-15 Impact of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination on burden of disease in patients with actinic keratosis ― a double-blind randomized controlled trial Humant papillomvirus (HPV) vaccination til beh... 2024-06-19 not-yet-due
Not reported 2021-006883-25 The Pathogenic Role Of Staphylococcus Aureus And The Skin Microbiome During Flare And Resolution Of Atopic Dermatitis Danish title: Den patogene rolle af staphylococcus aureus og hudmikrobiomet un... 2023-05-26 due-trials
Other 2022-000179-38 Effects of blocking TSLP on airway inflammation and the epithelial immune-response to exacerbation triggers in patients with COPD A randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of tezepelumab not-yet-due
Completed, reported early 2023-000150-20 The effect of exercise on pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of a single dose of unfractionated heparin: A randomized, controlled, cross-over study Effekten af fysisk aktivitet på optagelse og v... 2024-02-13 not-yet-due