All clinical trials on the European Union Clinical Trials Register (EUCTR) must report their results in the registry within a year of completion. This site tracks who's doing this and who isn't. Learn more »
These trials completed more than 12 months ago and should have reported results. Some have, some have not.
These trials are not yet due to report results: some are ongoing, some completed within the past 12 months.
These trials have problematic data on the registry. Details why »
Status | Trial ID | Title | Completion date | Category |
Reported results | 2004-000242-20 | A randomised trial of the European and American Osteosarcoma Study Group to optimize treatment strategies for resectable osteosarcoma based on histological response to pre-operative chemotherapy | 2018-12-31 | due-trials |
Completed, but no date | 2004-001113-33 | Effect of TNFalpha blockade on the induction of specific B cell responses in vivo, using human spondyloarthropathy as model. | bad-data | |
Reported results | 2004-001126-24 | Feasibility of radiotherapy and concomitant gemcitabine and oxaliplatin in locally advanced pancreatic cancer and distal cholangiocarcinoma | 2006-10-09 | due-trials |
Not reported | 2004-001285-40 | Wat is de ideale concentratie van Ropivacaine bij Sufenta 0,75 microgram/ml voor Thoracale Epidurale? | 2005-12-22 | due-trials |
Completed, but no date | 2004-002311-91 | A randomised, controlled, 4-week, cross-over study assessing the efficacy and safety of adding oral morphine IR 10mg or sublingual buprenorphine 0.2mg on demand to a treatment with transdermal bupreno... | bad-data | |
Completed, but no date | 2005-000596-17 | Dubbel blind gerandomiseerde studie waar metformine versus placebo toegediend worden in de behandeling van NASH bij patiënten die omwille van obesitas bariatrische chirurgie ondergaan. | bad-data | |
Completed, but no date | 2005-001797-27 | Accuracy of the Kataria model for propofol anesthesia in children | bad-data | |
Listed as ongoing, but also has a completion date and reported results | 2005-004420-39 | An Open Label Phase II Multicentre Clinical Trial of Single Agent VELCADE (Bortezomib) in Patients with Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma | 2009-12-04 | bad-data |
Completed, but no date | 2005-004632-40 | Study on the pharmacodynamic interactions between propofol and sevoflurane during induction of anesthesia. | bad-data | |
Completed, but no date | 2005-005428-15 | Vergelijkende studie tussen Propofol en Sevoflurane: sedatie en hemodynamiek postoperatief na electieve CABG (Coronair bypass chirurgie) | bad-data | |
Completed, but no date | 2005-005474-77 | Validation of a pharmacologic profile of propofol | bad-data | |
Completed, but no date | 2005-005733-35 | Invloed van corticoïden op de nierfunctie postoperatief na cardiochirurgie | bad-data | |
Completed, but no date | 2005-005739-91 | Functional Neuroimaging in depression: longitudinal study of PET metabolism in correlation with changes in attentional bias, autobiographical memory, future fluency and facial recognition in depressed... | bad-data | |
Completed, but no date | 2006-000179-13 | Validation of the methodology of serum creatinine measurement and the estimated glomular filtration ratio | bad-data | |
Not reported | 2006-000460-90 | Echocardiographic study of the haemodynamic effects of remifentanil with and without glycopyrrolate in healthy children | 2009-04-06 | due-trials |
Completed, but no date | 2006-000744-17 | A randomised phase II study evaluating two schedules of the 21-day regimen of Gemcitabine and Carboplatin in advanced NSCLC | bad-data | |
Completed, but no date | 2006-000925-71 | TNF-blockade for the treatment of erosive osteoarthritis (OA) of interphalangeal finger joints. Randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled study to evaluate the efficacy of adalimumab 40 mg sc every... | bad-data | |
Completed, but no date | 2006-001150-27 | Sandostatin LAR in prevention of Chemotherapy Induced Diarrhea | bad-data | |
Completed, but no date | 2006-002901-30 | Tramadol iv. : influence of dose and dose intervals on therapeutic accuracy and side effects when used for postoperative pain relief in ambulatory surgery | bad-data | |
Completed, but no date | 2006-003524-11 | Clinical and biological effects of Anti-IgE (Omalizumab) in patients with bilateral nasal polyposis and asthma | bad-data | |
Completed, but no date, and reported results | 2006-003836-31 | A protocol based treatment for early and severe systemic sclerosis with (anti-CD-20) rituximab | bad-data | |
Reported results | 2006-003991-37 | Trial of beta blocker therapy (atenolol) vs. angiotensin II receptor blocker therapy (losartan) in individuals with Marfan syndrome | 2013-02-13 | due-trials |
Completed, but no date | 2006-005530-21 | Comparison of dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) with gadofosveset trisodium (Vasovist, Schering, Berlin, Germany) to gadopentetate dimeglumine (GD-DTPA, Magnevist, Scherin... | bad-data | |
Reported results | 2006-006334-18 | Farmacokinetische evaluatie van de overschakeling van intraveneuze naar enterale toediening van moxifloxacine bij Intensieve Zorgen patiënten | 2012-09-24 | due-trials |
Completed, but no date, and reported results | 2006-006727-39 | A prospective randomised controlled trial on the use of BMP-7 (Bone Morphogenetic Protein-7) (OP-1®) and demineralised bone matrix (DBM) in tibial non-union. | bad-data | |
Completed, but no date | 2006-006965-18 | Acute hemodynamische impact van een intraveneuze glucose injectie | bad-data | |
Completed, but no date | 2007-000099-17 | Farmacokinetische evaluatie van enteraal toegediende omeprazole-suspensie bij patiënten met cerebral palsy. | bad-data | |
Completed, but no date | 2007-001858-70 | Effect of inhaled tiotropium bromide on neurokinin-A induced bronchoconstriction in asthma. | bad-data | |
Reported results | 2007-002640-19 | Effect of strategy for blood pressure control on cerebral oxygen balance during aortic coarctation repair: a randomized study | 2012-03-15 | due-trials |
Completed, but no date | 2007-002707-40 | The effect of inhalation with hypertonic saline (7%) on lung function and sputum rheology in Cystic Fibrosis patients | bad-data | |
Completed, but no date | 2007-003151-36 | Sevoflurane-Remifentanil interaction: Multiple response surfaces, validation of calibration stimuli, validation of the intraoperative isobole concept and investigating remifentanil induced opioid tole... | bad-data | |
Ongoing, reported early | 2007-003994-18 | EHOA: Etanercept as treatment for Hand OsteoArthritis A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to evaluate the clinical efficacy and the structure modifying properties of etanercept 50/25... | not-yet-due | |
Completed, but no date | 2007-004737-42 | Moviprep versus fleet phospho-soda (golden standard): een vergelijkende studie van laxativa als voorbereiding van de darm op een chirurgische ingreep | bad-data | |
Completed, but no date | 2007-005862-10 | Randomized, double-blind study for the evaluation of the effect of losartan versus placebo on aortic root dilatation in patients with Marfan syndrome under treatment with beta-blockers. | bad-data | |
Reported results | 2007-006217-16 | Evaluation of the accuracy, safety and robustness of a single-input-single output (SISO) model-based predictive closed-loop system to guide patient-individualized ICU sedation. | 2009-09-08 | due-trials |
Completed, but no date | 2007-006443-50 | Prospective, randomized trial to evaluate the administration of 2 different doses of recombinant FSH to patients with age depended insufficient ovarian response during IVF/ICSI | bad-data | |
Not reported | 2007-007019-10 | Comparison of the therapeutic efficacy and side effects of tramadol per os (Tradonal Odis® orodispersible tablets) versus an optimised dosis of travenous tramadol for postoperative pain relief in ambu... | 2009-06-19 | due-trials |
Completed, but no date | 2007-007668-15 | Evaluatie van Arthroscopisch Voorste Kruisband Herstel via Ziekenhuisopname of via Dagopname: een Gerandomiseerde Prospectieve Klinische Studie. | bad-data | |
Reported results | 2008-000769-49 | Unicentrische vergelijkende studie van suctie curretage met standaard BOTOX injectie bij de behandeling van patiënten met essentiële axillaire hyperhidrosis: vergelijking van efficaciteit, duur van ef... | 2011-08-22 | due-trials |
Completed, but no date | 2008-001853-17 | Invloed van behandeling met infliximab op immuuncellen in het bloed van patiënten met spondyloartritis | bad-data | |
Not reported | 2008-002982-30 | A Prospective, randomized, clinical study on the effects of CPP-ACP paste on plaque, gingivitis and initial caries lesion development in orthodontic patients - part 2 | 2023-03-29 | due-trials |
Completed, but no date | 2008-003484-39 | Farmacokinetische evaluatie van de eerste intraveneuze dosering van quinolones bij Intensieve Zorgen (IZ) patiënten met septische shock. | bad-data | |
Not reported | 2008-003661-19 | Invloed van laag gedoseerde hormonale substitutie op insulinespiegels bij postmenopausale vrouwen | 2014-11-06 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2008-004089-15 | The AZISAST Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial: Azithromycine as add-on therapy in Severe, Non-Eosinophilic Asthma | 2011-09-30 | due-trials |
Not reported | 2008-004113-96 | DRainage versus sEAlant in prospective, Monocentric, double blinded randomized trial to evaluate the effect of fibrin glue in surgical repair of incisional hernias (DREAM-trial) | 2014-10-14 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2008-005224-91 | Het gebruik van laag moleculair gewicht heparines (LMGH) tijdens hemodialyse. | 2018-05-15 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2008-006825-15 | Extended infusie van betalactam en carbapenem antibiotica: farmakokinetische aspecten in patienten met verschillende gradaties in nierfunctie. | 2011-05-13 | due-trials |
Completed, but no date | 2008-008317-20 | The effect of inhaled N-Acetylcysteine compared to normal saline on sputum rheology and lung function | bad-data | |
Completed, but no date | 2008-008319-24 | A single-center, randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Somatostatin used as inflow modulator in liver transplantation. | bad-data | |
Completed, but no date | 2009-011623-31 | Individually adapted immunosuppression in de novo renal transplantation based on immune function monitoring: a prospective randomised study Extension study: The impact of magnesium supplementation on ... | bad-data | |
Completed, but no date | 2009-012034-70 | A protocol based treatment for debilitating fibrosing skin disorders with (anti-CD-20), rituximab | bad-data | |
Reported results | 2009-012981-30 | Prospective study to assess the efficacy and safety of lanreotide 120 mg as treatment of clinical symptoms associated with inoperable intestinal obstruction | 2011-08-18 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2009-014037-25 | Bortezomib (Velcade): A feasibility and phase II study in childhood relapsed acute lymphoblastic leukemia Bortezomib (Velcade): Studio di fattibilita' e di fase II nella recidiva di leucemia lin... | 2015-10-21 | due-trials |
Listed as ongoing, but also has a completion date | 2009-014293-17 | Phase II study of cetuximab combined with cisplatin or carboplatin/pemetrexed as first line treatment in patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma. | 2015-02-13 | bad-data |
Not reported | 2009-014462-26 | Dutch-Belgian pediatric AML protocol for children with newly diagnosed acute myeloid leukemia, based on the NOPHO-AML 2004 study | 2021-11-11 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2009-015890-11 | Conditioning with volatile anesthetics in liver transplantation | 2012-07-18 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2009-016094-16 | Sevoflurane-Remifentanil interaction: Multiple response surfaces, validation of calibration stimuli, validation of the intraoperative isobole concept and investigating remifentanil induced opioid tole... | 2010-12-15 | due-trials |
Completed, but no date | 2009-016785-88 | Dexmedetomidine pharmacokinetics-pharmacodynamics in mechanically ventilated children with single-organ respiratory failure | bad-data | |
Completed, but no date, and reported results | 2009-016857-16 | Dose finding study for effective reversal of a moderate rocuronium-induced neuromuscular block with sugammadex in morbidly obese patients | bad-data | |
Completed, but no date | 2009-017265-33 | Invloed van voeding op farmacokinetiek en -dynamiek van desmopressine tablet in vergelijking met desmopressine MELT-vorm | bad-data | |
Reported results | 2009-017425-19 | Vitiligo en het Koebnerfenomeen. (Vitiligo inductie- en therapie model : klinische en immunologische analyse) | 2015-09-15 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2009-017589-22 | Interacties tussen hart en nieren tijdens de behandeling van gedecompenseerd hartfalen: diuretica versus ultrafiltratie (CRUF Trial) | 2011-10-21 | due-trials |
Not reported | 2009-017997-19 | Influence of oral doxycycline on wound healing after endonasal endoscopic sinus surgery for chronic rhinosinusitis with and without nasal polyposis: a double-blind randomized placebo-controlled trial. | 2016-10-06 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2009-017998-37 | Scintigraphic detection of tumor necrosis factor with radioactive labeled TNFα-blocker in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis and active axial and peripheric spondyloarthropathy. Scintigrafis... | 2019-03-26 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2010-018628-14 | Pharmacokinetic evaluation of moxifloxacin administered intravenously and orally in healthy volunteers who have had a gastric bypass. | 2010-05-18 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2010-019691-70 | Pharmacokinetic evaluation of fluoroquinolone antibiotics administered intravenously in intensive care patients with normal renal function and with renal hyperfiltration | 2013-12-01 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2010-021050-20 | Assessment of the optimal dosing of piperacillin-tazobactam in intensive care unit patients: extended versus continuous infusion | 2012-11-16 | due-trials |
Completed, but no date, and reported results | 2010-022572-32 | Invloed van Somatuline® autogel 120mg op post-operatieve drainage na rectumresectie voor rectumcarcinoom | bad-data | |
Reported results | 2010-023155-28 | Dexmedetomidine pharmacokinetics-pharmacodynamics in mechanically ventilated neonates with single-organ respiratory failure (NEODEX) | 2016-09-22 | due-trials |
Completed, but no date Terminated | 2011-000527-33 | Characteristics of adult patients with nocturia and nocturnal polyuria and analysis of pharmacokinetic and –dynamic characteristics of desmopressin Melt in this population | bad-data | |
Completed, but no date Terminated | 2011-000666-35 | Analysis of the effect and side effects of desmopressin melt in patients with nocturnal polyuria. | bad-data | |
Reported results | 2011-000984-29 | Prospectieve vergelijkende studie tussen verschillende tumescentie technieken bij endoveneuze ablatie behandeling voor varices | 2016-12-16 | due-trials |
Completed, but no date | 2011-003071-11 | Cognitieve en emotionele controle: gelijkenissen en verschillen in neuraal substraat - 11C-Raclopride | bad-data | |
Reported results | 2011-003678-97 | Exploration of TNF-alpha Blockade with golimumab in the Induction of Clinical Remission in Patients with Early peripheral SpondyloArthritis (SpA) according to ASAS-criteria (‘CRESPA’). Exploratie v... | 2019-04-30 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2011-003786-14 | Heeft het toedienen van ketamine of sevoflurane bij kinderen van 0 tot 14 jaar een meerwaarde tijdens het verwijderen van chirurgische thoraxdrains? | 2014-03-30 | due-trials |
Completed, but no date | 2011-004540-22 | Desmopressin melt therapy in nocturnal polyuria patients: pharmacokinetic/dynamic study | bad-data | |
Reported results Terminated | 2011-004560-29 | Desmopressin melt therapy in nocturnal polyuria patients: pharmacodynamic study | 2013-02-01 | due-trials |
Completed, but no date | 2011-004989-16 | The effect of morphine and different local anesthetics on human chondrocytes: an in vivo study. | bad-data | |
Reported results | 2011-006107-35 | Pharmacokinetics of small spectcrum beta-lactam antibiotics (Amoxicillin/Clavulanic Acid and Cefuroxime) on intensive care. Farmacokinetiek van Small Spectrum Beta-Lactam Antibiotica (Amoxicilline/... | 2014-01-21 | due-trials |
Not reported | 2011-006336-23 | The effects of sodium oxybate in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome Het effect van natrium oxybaat bij patiënten met chronisch vermoeidheidssyndroom | 2015-12-31 | due-trials |
Not reported | 2012-000701-77 | Cytoreduction followed by Normothermic versus Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Intraoperative Chemoperfusion: a Phase II Study in Peritoneal Carcinomatosis Cytoreductie gevolgd door normotherme versu... | 2013-12-31 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2012-002925-30 | The influence of oxytocin on automatic imitation De invloed van oxytocine op automatische imitatie | 2013-02-06 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2012-002927-14 | Dosistitratie van lisinopril bij kinderen van 1 tot 18 jaar met primaire of secundaire hypertensie Dosistitratie van lisinopril bij kinderen van 1 tot 18 jaar met primaire of secundaire hypertensie | 2018-06-14 | due-trials |
Exempt | 2012-004490-10 | A Multicenter Open label Phase 2 study of Carfilzomib Weekly plus Melphalan and Prednisone in Untreated Symptomatic Elderly Multiple Myeloma. | not-yet-due | |
Reported results | 2012-005127-33 | Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic evaluation of linezolid administered intravenously in MRSA-positive, morbidly obese patients with pneumonia. Evaluatie van de farmacokinetiek en pharmacodynami... | 2016-09-30 | due-trials |
Completed, but no date, and reported results | 2013-000384-87 | Intraperitoneal atomization of levobupivacaine during gynecological laparoscopic procedures : Impact on pain, opioid use and length of recovery room stay (IPLA). | bad-data | |
Not reported | 2013-000782-36 | Effect of TachoSil® on incidence of symptomatic and radiographic lymphoceles after extended pelvic lymph node dissection in prostate and bladder cancer. | 2017-02-14 | due-trials |
Completed, but no date | 2013-002340-90 | Study of the molecular mechanisms underlying the cross-neutralizing capacity of AS04-adjuvanted HPV vaccine (Cervarix®) in comparison with the aluminiumhydroxyphosphate sulphate adjuvanted HPV vaccine... | bad-data | |
Reported results | 2013-002395-40 | Prospective intervention trial with adjuvant metformin in girls and boys with classic CAH (METFOR CAH). | 2018-02-16 | due-trials |
Completed, but no date, and reported results | 2013-002964-22 | Influence of aromatase inhibitors on insulin sensitivity, liver and hart function in obese men INVLOED VAN AROMATASE INHIBITOREN OP INSULINEGEVOELIGHEID EN LEVERFUNCTIE BIJ OBESE MANNEN | bad-data | |
Reported results | 2013-004191-35 | Evaluation of the effects and plasma concentration of the potent platelet inhibitor ticagrelor, after crushed and non-crushed intake, after semi-urgent coronary bypass and in patients after cardiac ar... | 2019-12-06 | due-trials |
Not reported | 2013-004918-18 | Optimising adalimumab treatment in psoriasis with concomitant methotrexate. | 2020-06-04 | due-trials |
Not reported | 2013-004953-26 | CMV specific T cell therapy for the treatment of relapsing or therapy refractory CMV infection after allogeneic stem cell transplantation with a CMV-positive donor. | 2021-01-31 | due-trials |
Completed, report not yet due | 2013-005056-15 | Longterm efficiency and safety of intravitreal injections with bevacizumab in patients with neovascularisation or macular edema. | 2024-07-09 | not-yet-due |
Not reported | 2013-005209-30 | The effect of Hydroxyethylstarch 6% 130/0.4 in a balanced electrolyte solution (Volulyte®) compared to gelatine (Geloplasma®) on microvascular reactivity and tissue oxygen saturation during haemodilut... | 2014-08-20 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2014-000882-34 | Catheter based adjuvant intraperitoneal chemotherapy for carcinomatosis. | 2015-11-13 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2014-001005-41 | Evaluation of FLuid REsuscitation with Sterofundin ® ISO (Ringerfundin), Plasma-Lyte® or NaCl 0.9%. (FluReS study) Evaluatie van vochtresuscitatie met sterofundin, Plasma-Lyte en fysiologisch | 2016-01-29 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2014-003141-10 | Invloed van UDCA op fecale galzoutensamenstelling van IBD patiënten: piloot studie. | 2019-01-10 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2014-003177-42 | Multinational study assessing the acceptability and determinants of compliance to HPV vaccination to women in screening ages 25 to 45 years | 2021-01-15 | due-trials |
Completed, but no date, and reported results | 2014-003543-35 | A clinical study to generate a set of data characterising clinical events, physiological responses, and innate and adaptive immune responses following a single intramuscular immunisation with FluadTM ... | bad-data | |
Reported results | 2014-004638-24 | Pharmacokinetics of ciprofloxacine in pediatric patients, a pilot study – SAFE PEDRUG. | 2017-03-17 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2014-005200-13 | study of the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of desmopressin oral lyophilisate - route of administration in the pediatric patient population - SAFEPEDRUG Studie naar farmacokinetiek en farmac... | 2018-12-31 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2014-005469-58 | Determination of the minimum local anesthetic dose (MLAD) of spinal chloroprocaine for inguinal herniorrhaphy in ambulatory surgery. | 2018-01-24 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2015-000418-23 | Intraoperative intraperitoneal chemoperfusion to treat peritoneal minimal residual disease in stage III ovarian cancer: a randomized phase II trial. | 2021-08-25 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2015-001282-13 | Evaluation of acute normovolemic hemodilution on coagulation during liver surgery. | 2017-03-24 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2015-001289-24 | 99m Tc- sestaMIBI/pertechnetaat SPECT subtractie beeldvorming versus 18F-Fluorocholine PET/CT voor de preoperatieve lokalisatie van hyperfunctionerende parathyroïden bij primaire hyperparathyroidie. | 2015-09-16 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2015-002223-25 | Eradication of methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus nasal carriage in patients undergoing dialysis: can fusidic acid be used as an alternative to mupirocin? | 2016-12-31 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2015-002865-40 | Open label two treatment half-side comparative study to analyse difference in nasal bioavailability between MP29-02 and fluticasone propionate. | 2019-02-25 | due-trials |
Completed, but no date | 2015-002879-14 | BioVacSafe-Boostrix®: een klinische studie om een reeks gegevens te regenereren die kenmerkend zijn voor klinische gebeurtenissen, fysiologische reacties en aangeboren en adaptieve immuunreacties volg... | bad-data | |
Reported results | 2015-003223-53 | RANKL-blockade for the treatment of erosive osteoarthritis (OA) of interphalangeal finger joints Randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled study to evaluate the efficacy of denosumab 60mg sc every... | 2021-04-28 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2015-003552-48 | Pilot trial to determine the efficacy of secukinumab in active non-segmental vitiligo EFFECTIVITEIT VAN SECUKINUMAB IN ACTIEVE NIET-SEGMENTALE VITILIGO. | 2018-01-16 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2015-004918-22 | A comparison of chloroprocaine 3% versus levobupivacaine 0.5% for epidural anesthesia during caesarean section. | 2017-04-04 | due-trials |
Completed, but no date Terminated | 2016-000398-19 | Pilot study: pharmacokinetics of beta-lactam antibiotics, piperacillin-tazobactam, ceftazidim and meropenem in blood and sputum of cystic fibrosis patients. Pilot study: farmacokinetiek van de bèta... | bad-data | |
Reported results | 2016-001263-37 | Phase I trial of stereotactic body radiotherapy with concurrent pembrolizumab in metastatic urothelial cancer. | 2018-12-18 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2016-001569-97 | A phase II Investigation of Pembrolizumab (Keytruda) in combination with radiation and an immune modulatory cocktail in patients with cervical and uterine cancer. | 2021-12-08 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2016-001839-13 | Influence of a bolus administration of ephedrine and phenylephrine on spinal oxygen saturation, measured with NIRS. Invloed van een bolustoediening van ephedrine en phenylephrine op het zuurstofgeh... | 2017-09-09 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2016-002379-89 | Treatment of acute locomotoric pain in the geriatric patient: comparison of effectiveness and safety between step 2 (weak opioids) and step 3 (strong opioids) pain relief of the WHO-ladder. | 2020-09-06 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2016-002878-13 | Comparison of continuous infusion versus automated bolus of local anesthetic for postoperative analgesia with popliteal sciatic nerve blockade (nerve catheters) in ambulatory foot surgery. | 2018-12-31 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2016-004300-65 | Optimizing the Biologic Treatment Strategy in Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Patients that have failed a Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNFα) blocking Agent by immunoscintigraphy with Technetium-labeled Cimz... | 2020-11-30 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2017-000071-90 | Effect of sevoflurane and propofol on hepato-splanchnic pressure and flow during hepatobiliary surgery. | 2018-01-27 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2017-000116-42 | A clinical study of biomarkers of innate and adaptive immune activation associated with symptoms and immune responses after administration of a single dose of a quadrivalent inactivated split virus in... | 2017-05-17 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2017-000133-31 | Combined hypofractionated stereotactic body radiotherapy with immunomodulating systemic therapy for inoperable recurrent head and neck cancer: detection of the maximum tolerated dose. Gecombineer... | 2020-12-03 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2017-001728-23 | Efficacy of golimumab in early axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) in relation to gut inflammation, an early remission induction study (GO GUT). | 2023-12-14 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2017-003278-15 | Hyperalgesia, Persistent Pain, and Fentanyl Dosing in On-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting | 2021-01-09 | due-trials |
Exempt | 2017-003461-96 | PSMA-PET/CT for prostate cancer | 2018-12-20 | not-yet-due |
Reported results | 2017-005059-10 | Multicentric, double-blind, placebo controlled clinical trial with 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) in patients with inflammatory bowel disease in clinical and biologic remission: effect on fatigue scores | 2021-03-03 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2018-001020-19 | Nifedipine induced pain relief during hysteroscopy | 2022-12-01 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2018-003168-29 | [18F]PSMA-11 PET/CT for prostate cancer – phase 3 clinical trial [18F]PSMA-11 PET/CT voor prostaatkanker – fase 3 klinische studie | 2020-09-02 | due-trials |
Completed, but no date, and reported results Terminated | 2018-003637-14 | Local injection of collagenase clostridium histolyticum (XiapexR) for refractory gastrointestinal strictures: an open-label pilot study. | bad-data | |
Completed, but no date, and reported results | 2018-003687-31 | Influence of continuous administration of phenylephrine versus dobutamine on spinal oxygen saturation, measured with near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). | bad-data | |
Reported results | 2018-004139-66 | Effect of norepinephrine infusion on hepatic blood flow during goal-directed hemodynamic therapy. | 2020-10-23 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2018-004213-41 | Effect of intravenous replenishment of iron in the preoperative management of anemia in patients with colon cancer: RIPAC-trial Het effect van intraveneuze ijzertoediening in de preoperatieve behan... | 2021-06-21 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2018-004604-20 | Myo-inositol versus clomiphene citrate as first line treatment for ovulation induction in PCOS Myo-inositol versus clomifeencitraat als eerstelijnsbehandeling voor ovulatie-inductie bij PCOS | 2021-09-18 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2019-000515-84 | Comparison of pain and comfort in patients following cardiac surgery: opioid-morphine managed vs multimodal pain-management. | 2021-12-03 | due-trials |
Completed, but no date, and reported results | 2019-001232-59 | Safety and Efficacy of Patient Controlled Analgesia using the Sublingual Sufentanil Tablet System (SSTS) in a fast track rehabilitation program after Total Knee Arthroplasty. | bad-data | |
Reported results | 2019-001918-42 | A non-inferiority study on dose reduction of adalimumab in psoriasis patients who are overtreated. | 2022-03-22 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2019-002597-32 | Dynamics and tracer distribution of Tilmanocept using combined subareolar and peritumoral injection technique for scintigraphic sentinel lymph node detection in early stage breast cancer. Vergelijk... | 2021-01-05 | due-trials |
Other | 2019-003254-91 | Characterisation and intervention study in patients with long-term use of nasal decongestants. Karakterisatie- en interventiestudie bij patiënten met langdurig gebruik van nasale decongestiva. | not-yet-due | |
Reported results | 2019-003570-11 | The use of buffered soluble alendronate 70 mg (Steovess/Binosto) after denosumab discontinuation to prevent increase in bone turnover. | 2022-03-09 | due-trials |
Not reported | 2019-004538-40 | A multicentric randomised controlled clinical trial to study the impact of bedside model-informed precision dosing of vancomycin in critically ill children. | 2023-12-14 | due-trials |
Other | 2019-004952-13 | Stereotactic body radiotherapy with or without Darolutamide for OligoRecurrent prostate cancer: a randomized phase II trial (DART) | not-yet-due | |
Other | 2019-004961-42 | SPondyloArthritis: inducing drug-free Remission by early TNF-Alpha bloCkade Under guidance of Single cell RNA sequencing and epigenetic profiling SPondyloArtritis: het bekomen van medicatie-vrije R... | not-yet-due | |
Other | 2020-000685-42 | Virological and immunological assessment in HIV positive participants on 2DR versus 3DR in a prospective randomized controlled switch trial. Virologische en immunologische oppuntstelling bij HIV po... | not-yet-due | |
Reported results | 2020-001254-22 | A prospective, randomized, open-label, interventional study to investigate the efficacy of sargramostim (Leukine®) in improving oxygenation and short- and long-term outcome of COVID-19 patients with a... | 2021-02-26 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2020-001500-41 | A prospective, randomized, factorial design, interventional study to compare the safety and efficacy of combinations of blockade of interleukin-6 pathway and interleukin-1 pathway to best standard of ... | 2021-05-21 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2020-002130-33 | A prospective, randomized, open-label, interventional study to investigate the efficacy of complement C5 inhibition with Zilucoplan® in improving oxygenation and short- and long-term outcome of COVID-... | 2021-05-27 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2020-003475-18 | The potential of oral Camostat in early COVID-19 disease in an ambulatory setting to reduce viral load and disease burden. Het vermogen van Camostat om de virale lading en het ziekteverloop te beïn... | 2021-06-24 | due-trials |
Completed, report not yet due | 2020-004112-10 | Randomized controlled trial comparing micronized progesterone (Amelgen ®) 400 mg BID versus 400 mg TID for luteal support in artificial vitrified/warmed single blastocyst transfer cycles with low prog... | 2025-01-13 | not-yet-due |
Not reported | 2020-005412-21 | Effect of dobutamine on hepatic blood flow during goal-directed hemodynamic therapy. | 2023-07-25 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2021-000456-19 | Use of 18F-PSMA-11 PET for detection of lesions in iodine refractory thyroid cancers Gebruik van 18F-PSMA PET voor detectie van letsels bij iodiumrefractaire schildkliertumoren. | 2023-07-18 | due-trials |
Other | 2021-001835-22 | A randomized comparison of one controlled ovarian stimulation with corifollitropin alfa (CFA) versus up to three modified natural cycles (MNC) in expected and established poor responders | not-yet-due | |
Other | 2021-001921-31 | GRACE-trial: A randomized active-controlled trial for vulvovaginal atrophy in breast cancer patients on endocrine therapy | not-yet-due | |
Not reported | 2021-003670-31 | Impact of Model-Informed Precision Dosing of Vancomycin in Adults: A randomized, controlled clinical trial Impact van modelgestuurde precisiedosering van vancomycine bij volwassenen: een gerandomis... | 2023-11-07 | due-trials |