All clinical trials on the European Union Clinical Trials Register (EUCTR) must report their results in the registry within a year of completion. This site tracks who's doing this and who isn't. Learn more »
These trials completed more than 12 months ago and should have reported results. Some have, some have not.
These trials are not yet due to report results: some are ongoing, some completed within the past 12 months.
These trials have problematic data on the registry. Details why »
Status | Trial ID | Title | Completion date | Category |
Not reported | 2004-001383-46 | Swdeish Exelon Titration study | 2007-07-31 | due-trials |
Completed, but no date | 2004-002824-16 | Spinalt klonidin och baklofen som adjuvans till ryggmärgsstimulering vid terapiresistent smärta. (Möjlighet att förstärka den smärtlindrande effekten av alektrisk tyggmärgsstimulering med läkemedel so... | bad-data | |
Ongoing | 2004-002899-42 | Etomidate-Lipuro vs. Diprivan-Propofol with added lignocaine: incidence of injection pain in association with induction of anaesthesia in children. | not-yet-due | |
Ongoing | 2004-002925-39 | A Phase II study of Temozolomide (Temodal) Given Continously 100mg/m2 for 21 Days in 28 Day cycles in Patients with Metastatic Melanoma. | not-yet-due | |
Ongoing | 2004-004738-15 | Intermittent intravenous adenosine with prolonged pain in the back of the neck with allodynia/dysaesthesia. | not-yet-due | |
Exempt | 2005-000408-16 | Caffeine-mediated modulation of human experimental pain models | not-yet-due | |
Ongoing | 2005-001016-51 | In vivo effects of transdermal Estradiol+ oral Progesterone vs oral Conjugated Equine Estrogens + MedroxyProgesteroneAcetate on normal human breast cells proliferation: a randomized comparative study | not-yet-due | |
Ongoing | 2005-001726-80 | Effects of new longacting insulin analogs on metabolic control, endogenous insulin production, GH/IGF-I axis and quality of life – comparison of NPH, glargine och detemir insulin from the debut of T1D... | not-yet-due | |
No trial status on register | 2005-003279-18 | HLH-2004. Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis Study Group. Treatment Protocol of the Second International HLH Study 2004. | bad-data | |
Ongoing | 2005-004128-38 | Pregabalin for pain reduction in Critical Limb Ischemia | not-yet-due | |
Completed, but no date, and reported results Terminated | 2005-004478-26 | Effects of growth hormone treatment to patients with partial growth hormone deficiency, with special emphasis on acute phase proteins and pro-inflammatory cytokines. | bad-data | |
Not reported Terminated | 2005-005950-33 | Studie av Domperidon och barn med kongenitalt centralt hypoventilationssyndrom. | 2006-06-07 | due-trials |
Ongoing | 2005-006096-12 | Can peroperative subcutaneous, injection of bupivacaine with adrenaline decrease the postoperative need or opiates after cesarean section? | not-yet-due | |
Not reported | 2006-000078-65 | Rituximab in the Treatment of Refractory Adult and Juvenile Dermatomyositis (DM) and Adult Polymyositis (PM) | 2011-04-03 | due-trials |
Ongoing | 2006-000540-98 | Substudie Bröstmärta provocerad med iv bolus adenosin injektion i huvudstudie: Jämförelse mellan aktiv och passiv fysisk träning för behandling av persisterande angina pectoris - en randomiserad studi... | not-yet-due | |
Ongoing | 2006-001321-25 | Prövning av hypotesen att lågdosinfusion av adenosin hos patienter med ischemisk hjärtsjukdom har en prekonditionerande effekt. En placebokontrollerad crossover-studie. | not-yet-due | |
Not reported Terminated | 2006-001661-41 | Body Composition and Metabolic Changes During Antipsychotic Treatment. A Randomized Trial Comparing Sertindole and Olanzapine. | 2008-05-09 | due-trials |
Not reported | 2006-001785-16 | Neo-adjuvant behandling av esofagus-cardia cancer inför kurativt syftande resektion. Jämförande studie mellan kemo- och radiokemobehandling. | 2018-06-25 | due-trials |
Ongoing | 2006-002187-25 | A multicenter, open label, non-randomised phase II study with induction chemotherapy with Cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil as combined with accelerated radiotherapy and Erbitux for locally advanced unrese... | not-yet-due | |
Not reported | 2006-002553-80 | ADHD hos intagna inom Kriminalvården - förekomst/diagnos/behandling/uppföljning | 2010-04-27 | due-trials |
Completed, but no date Terminated | 2006-003269-15 | Impact of exercise training and insulin treatment in patients with type 2 diabetes treated with metformin | bad-data | |
Ongoing | 2006-003396-13 | High-Dose Ribavirin in Combination With Standard Dose Peginterferon for Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis C Patients Who Are Nonresponders to Previous Standard Dosed Peginterferon/Ribavirin Combination T... | not-yet-due | |
Ongoing | 2006-003636-30 | Effect of continuous versus cyclic dosing regimen of hormonal contraception on bleeding pattern, cardivascular risk marker, sexual function and satisfaction | not-yet-due | |
Exempt Terminated | 2006-004076-13 | Secar I Part I: A study of MTD of Sodium selenite in patients with advanced carcinoma. A phase I study. Amendment 5: continuous treatment | not-yet-due | |
Ongoing | 2006-004415-22 | Utvärdering av två oloika strategier att smärtbehandla patienter som genomgår ablationsbehandling mot hjärtrytmrubbningar i hjärtat | not-yet-due | |
Not reported | 2006-004686-34 | Evaluation of Statin Therapy- Safety, Effect and Toxicity Mechanisms. | 2010-11-30 | due-trials |
Not reported | 2006-005240-93 | The effect of localanastetic when the drainage is removed, including women operated for breast cancer. [Svensk titel: effekt av lokalbedövning vid dränage borttagning]. | 2010-05-17 | due-trials |
Not reported Terminated | 2006-005754-80 | Standard treatment compared to intensified treatment with pegfilgrastim support in patients with small-cell lung cancer, limited disease. A phase III study. | 2015-01-01 | due-trials |
Ongoing | 2006-006243-31 | Antioxidanter vid Stapedotomi | not-yet-due | |
Not reported | 2007-000293-23 | Narkosgas jämfört med konventionell intravenös sedering vid respiratorvård efter kranskärlskirurgi. | 2009-01-30 | due-trials |
Ongoing | 2007-000351-33 | Will paracetamol reduce the opioid requirements and the (opioid)related postoperative nausea? | not-yet-due | |
Ongoing | 2007-000973-41 | Efficacy of cetuximab for preventing progression of CRC liver metastases after selective portal embolisation | not-yet-due | |
Exempt | 2007-003348-31 | Progesterone at imminent premature birth Progesteron vid hotande förtidsbörd | not-yet-due | |
Ongoing | 2007-003513-14 | Imune therapy of High Grade Glioma with dendritic cell vaccination. A phase II study. | not-yet-due | |
Not reported Terminated | 2007-003543-67 | Assessment of bronchial hyperresponsiveness in children - inhalation of Mannitol compared to eucapnic voluntary hyperventilation and methacholine provocation | 2010-12-31 | due-trials |
Ongoing | 2007-004894-25 | Effect of rosuvastatin on cardiovascular events and mortality after pneumonia | not-yet-due | |
Ongoing | 2007-005201-21 | Effects of the combination ketamine-dexmedetomidine in experimental pain. | not-yet-due | |
Completed, but no date Terminated | 2007-005398-73 | Treatment of malignant mesothelioma with pemetrexed (Alimta) + platinum (4 courses) or pemetrexed (Alimta) + platinum (4 courses) followed by Caelyx single drug (4 courses). | bad-data | |
Reported results Terminated | 2007-006305-25 | Effects of rimonabant (Acomplia) on obesity in adults with Prader-Willi Syndrome | 2008-11-25 | due-trials |
Exempt | 2007-007434-20 | Phase I (II) study of the combination of lenalidomide and alemtuzumab in patients with chemotherapy refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) | not-yet-due | |
Ongoing | 2008-000714-74 | Premedication in paediatric patients: Dose finding study of clonidine administrated as nasal aerosol. | not-yet-due | |
Ongoing | 2008-003654-15 | Oral 1 mg oestradiol (E2) / 2 mg of drosperinone (DRSP) and 1 mg of oestradiol / 0.5 mg of norethisteroneacetate (NETA): effects on mammografic density and breast epithelial proliferation - an explora... | not-yet-due | |
Ongoing | 2008-003731-20 | Postoperative Hyperbaric Oxygen treatments to reduce complications in Diabetic patients undergoing Vascular Surgery (HODIVA) - A double blind, randomized controlled study | not-yet-due | |
Ongoing | 2008-004049-27 | Vätskebehandling vid akut diabetessjukdom (Diabetes ketoacidos) | not-yet-due | |
Ongoing | 2008-004537-19 | Effekt av insulininfusion på sjukdomsförloppet vid infekterade fotsår samt vid thorax- och kärlkirurgi hos patienter med diabetes | not-yet-due | |
Ongoing | 2008-005727-28 | BK viremi efter njurtransplantation: Screening, tidig diagnostik, tidig reduktion av immunhämning samt behandling med leflunomid (Arava®) | not-yet-due | |
Ongoing | 2008-006453-40 | Peg-INF alfa-2a plus ribavirin treatment of liver transplant patients with hepatitis C relaps on protocol liver biopsies - a Nordic study on rapid viral response, early viral response, end of treatmen... | not-yet-due | |
Ongoing | 2008-007104-28 | Multiferon treatment of non-responders to peg-IFN alfa plus ribavirin standard of care treatment - a study of the early viral kinetics during the initial 12 weeks treatment. | not-yet-due | |
Exempt | 2009-009863-75 | El-porCEA: Assessment of safety and immunogenicity of intradermal electroporation of tetwtCEA DNA in patients with colorectal cancer. | not-yet-due | |
Ongoing | 2009-010265-23 | A prospective, randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled study of the value of preoperative treatment with Tazocin on bacterial contamination and infectious complications in patients with acute cholecys... | not-yet-due | |
Ongoing | 2009-010288-17 | Breast cell turnover and mammographic density in women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) | not-yet-due | |
Reported results | 2009-011534-10 | Effects on insulin sensitivity and body composition of combination therapy with growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) in growth hormone deficient adults with impaired glucose to... | 2011-09-01 | due-trials |
Ongoing | 2009-011758-16 | A randomized placebo controlled trial of vitamin D3 supplementation to a vulnerable patientsgroup susceptible to uppertract respiratory infections. | not-yet-due | |
Exempt | 2009-011793-14 | Phase I/II study of lenalidomide and gemcitabine as first-line treatment in patients with locally advanced or metastatic pancreatic cancer. | 2014-11-11 | not-yet-due |
Completed, but no date | 2009-013438-26 | A multicentre, open label, randomised phase II study with docetaxel (Taxotere®), cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil as induction chemotherapy, combined with hyperfractionated radiotherapy and cetuximab (Er... | bad-data | |
Ongoing | 2009-015866-71 | Fast detoxification of opioid addiction in patients suffering from opioids induced hyperalgesi (OIH) | not-yet-due | |
Listed as ongoing, but also has a completion date | 2009-015957-20 | Abatacept Treatment in Polymyositis and Dermatomyositis | 2013-11-28 | bad-data |
Ongoing | 2009-018087-10 | Goal Directed fluid substitution at patients with proximal femoral fracture. Evaluation of costs and consequences of alternative strategies of intra -opertaive fluid substitution- randomised clinical ... | not-yet-due | |
Ongoing | 2010-019198-14 | Icke-motoriska och hälsoekonomiska effekter av intermittent subkutan apomorfinbehandling vid Parkinsons sjukdom | not-yet-due | |
Ongoing | 2010-019483-37 | Vitamin D supplementation for prevention of placenta mediated pregnancy complications. | not-yet-due | |
Ongoing | 2010-020824-23 | P-piller och ekonomiskt beteende | not-yet-due | |
Reported results | 2010-021857-38 | Randomized phase II Trial comparing Lenalidomide with lowdose dexamethasone versus Lenalidomide in Second Line Multiple Myeloma (MM) | 2015-11-20 | due-trials |
Ongoing | 2010-022673-33 | The Dexametasone-CRH-test as a potential predictor of treatment effect in depression: a pilot study. | not-yet-due | |
Reported results | 2010-022924-57 | Randomised phase II study with cetuximab (Erbitux®) in combination with 5-FU and cisplatin or carboplatin versus CETuximab (Erbitux®) in combination with paclitaxel and carboplatin for treatment of pa... | 2021-01-31 | due-trials |
Not reported | 2010-023889-52 | Effects of Clindamycin and Ciprofloxacin administration on the emergence, prevalence and persistence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in humans | 2012-05-10 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2010-024487-18 | Effects of vitamin D on beta cell function and insulin sensitivity in pre-diabetes and diabetes mellitus type 2 - EVIDENS | 2013-06-30 | due-trials |
Not reported | 2011-000233-37 | Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF-I) induced muscle glucose uptake and interstitial IGF-1 concentrations. Placebo controlled, crossover study of the effect of sc rhIGF-I(Increlex) administration on gluc... | 2011-09-19 | due-trials |
Exempt, with results | 2011-003181-32 | In vivo expansion and efficacy of adoptive natural killer cell-based immunotherapy for high-risk myeloid diseases | 2015-06-25 | not-yet-due |
Not reported | 2011-004178-27 | A Randomized, Open Label, Multicenter, Phase II, 2-Arm Study comparing the conventional 3 weekly schedule of Jevtana (Cabazitaxel) with a weekly regimen in patients with Metastastic Castration Resista... | 2012-02-24 | due-trials |
Ongoing | 2011-005792-16 | Effect of reduced cholinergic transmission by rocuronium on the hypoxic ventilatory response in patients with obstructive sleep apnea - before and after three months of continous positive airway press... | not-yet-due | |
Ongoing | 2011-006099-38 | Effects of an antiandrogenic oral contraceptive on eating behaviour in women with bulimia – A randomized double blinded, placebo controlled study. | not-yet-due | |
Completed, but no date | 2012-002053-29 | PET/CT-biopsi study A PET/CT biopsy sub study in patients who have given informed consent to participate in a randomized, dubbel blind, placebo controlled phase III trial with Capecitabine +/- Sorafe... | bad-data | |
Ongoing | 2012-002513-19 | 68Ga-DOTATOC-PET/CT for diagnosis of neuroendocrina tumours 68Ga-DOTATOC-PET/CT för diagnostik av neuroendokrina tumörer | not-yet-due | |
Ongoing | 2012-002638-35 | ALBUMIN KINETICS BY 123I-HSA A validation study on healthy volunteers, patients with acute inflammation, and patiens scheduled for major abdominal surgery ALBUMINKINETIK MED 123I-HSA En valide... | not-yet-due | |
Not reported | 2012-003207-35 | Effects of ARA 290, a non-hematopoietic erythropoietin analog, on glucose tolerance, insulin secretion, insulin sensitivity and long-term glucose control in individuals with prediabetes and/or drug-n... | 2014-12-02 | due-trials |
Ongoing | 2012-003743-30 | A prospective randomized Phase II study to identify predictive biomarkers and mechanisms of therapy resistance in patients with HER2-negative metastatic breast cancer (MBC) treated with the combinatio... | not-yet-due | |
Not reported | 2012-004486-41 | Vaccination of antibody deficient patients with Prevenar13 - a comparative study between antibody response and cellular immunity. Konjugerat pneumokockvaccin till patienter med antikroppsbrist – en... | 2017-12-31 | due-trials |
Not reported | 2012-004540-29 | Injection treatment of ranula with OK 432 - A prospective, randomized, placebo controlled, double-blind study Injektionsbehandling av ranula med OK 432 - en prospektiv, randomeriserad, dubbelbl... | 2019-08-28 | due-trials |
Other | 2012-004878-26 | Antibiotic prophylaxis in patients undergoing primary or secondary breast reconstruction with implants, a randomized parallel two armed prospective clinical trial. | not-yet-due | |
Not reported | 2012-005374-57 | Primary hyperparathyroidism: Short-term calcimimetics treatment – Relevance for parathyroid surgery decisions? | 2021-12-31 | due-trials |
Not reported | 2012-005812-24 | Acute ventilatory response to hypoxia during sedation with dexmedetomidine compared to propofol in healthy volunteers. | 2014-09-16 | due-trials |
Ongoing | 2013-000122-60 | The effect of dexmedetomidine as an adjuvant to local anaesthetics for ilioinguinal blocks in paediatric patients | not-yet-due | |
Ongoing | 2013-000405-23 | Susceptibility changes among oral microorganisms following single dose antibiotic prophylaxis | not-yet-due | |
Completed, but no date Terminated | 2013-001558-87 | Safety of normalising slightly elevated plasma glucose by Exenatide in acute ischemic stroke patients treated with intravenous thrombolysis: a pilot study | bad-data | |
Reported results | 2013-001607-36 | Diagnosis of infection in prothesis by 18F-FDG-WBC-PET/CT | 2020-08-07 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2013-002417-35 | A multicenter, randomized phase II trial of vinflunine/gemcitabine versus carboplatin /gemcitabine as first line treatment in patients with metastatic urothelial carcinoma unfit for cisplatin based ch... | 2021-10-07 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2013-003403-19 | Study of T- and B-cell immunity after vaccination with a virosomebased influenza vaccine (Inflexal V) in patients who have undergone hematopoietic allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Studie av ce... | 2014-07-01 | due-trials |
Completed, but no date, and reported results Terminated | 2013-004749-18 | Home abortion up to 10 weeks of gestation Abort i hemmet upp till graviditetsvecka 10 | bad-data | |
Reported results | 2013-005201-31 | Pharmacokinetic profile and pharmacodynamic effects after intranasal naloxone administration in volunteers and pediatric patients. | 2017-01-09 | due-trials |
Completed, but no date, and reported results Terminated | 2014-000129-19 | A randomized , double-blind, placebo-controlled study of antidepressant effects of the endogen compound neuropeptide y (NPY) in patients suffering from major depressive disorder | bad-data | |
Not reported | 2014-000149-53 | ’D-STAPH’ Vitamin D supplementation to persistent carriers of MRSA – A double blind, randomised controlled trial | 2018-12-31 | due-trials |
Not reported | 2014-000647-32 | Investigation of the efficacy of degarelix as an acute treatment for patients with pedophilic disorder to reduce the risk for sexual child molestation: a prospective, randomized, double blind, and pla... | 2019-01-31 | due-trials |
Other | 2014-000808-10 | PREDIX HER2 - Neoadjuvant response-guided treatment of HER2 positive breast cancer. Part of a platform of translational phase II trials based on molecular subtypes | not-yet-due | |
Completed, but no date Terminated | 2014-000809-12 | PREDIX Luminal A - Neoadjuvant response-guided treatment of slowly proliferating hormone receptor positive tumors. Part of a set of translational phase II trials based on molecular subtypes | bad-data | |
Other | 2014-000810-72 | PREDIX Luminal B - Neoadjuvant response-guided treatment of estrogen receptor positive tumors with high proliferation or slow proliferation with metastatic nodes or young patients. Part of a set of tr... | not-yet-due | |
Ongoing | 2014-002170-36 | Treatment of Cervical Spinal Cord Injury with Imatinib – a safety and feasibility study | not-yet-due | |
Not reported | 2014-004552-64 | MISTRAL - Mistletoe therapy in primary and recurrent inoperable pancreatic cancer - A phase III prospective, randomized, double blinded, multicenter, parallel group, placebo controlled clinical trial... | 2023-01-02 | due-trials |
Ongoing | 2014-004701-32 | Postoperative pain management after major surgery in neonates. Establishing success rate using epidural analgesia and subcutaneous wound catheter infusion. | not-yet-due | |
Completed, report not yet due | 2014-005553-39 | Effects of Sativex on blood leukocytes in patients with lymphoma/chronic lymphocytic leukaemia Effekt av Sativex på blodleukocyter hos patienter med lymfom/kronisk lymfatisk leukemi | 2024-06-25 | not-yet-due |
Not reported Terminated | 2015-002567-42 | Predictors of albumin synthesis rate in severe liver failure. An open exploratory study in patients with chronic liver failure assessed for liver transplantation | 2018-01-25 | due-trials |
Ongoing | 2015-002568-18 | Albumin mass balance and kinetics in liver transplantation. An open exploratory pilot study | not-yet-due | |
Other | 2015-004240-19 | A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study with ASA treatment in colorectal cancer patients with mutations in the PI3K signaling pathway | not-yet-due | |
Ongoing | 2016-002893-11 | A Phase 2, international, multicenter, open-labeled, randomised trial of palbociclib and fulvestrant versus standard oral capecitabine in patients with hormone receptor positive / HER2 negative advanc... | not-yet-due | |
Other | 2016-003621-41 | Desferal administration to improve the impaired reaction to hypoxia in diabetes (DESIRED) A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over study | not-yet-due | |
Ongoing, reported early | 2016-003773-17 | A prospective randomized open label study Intranasal dexmedetomidine versus inhaled nitrous oxide for children age 3 – 15 years for procedural sedation and analgesia in pediatric emergency department.... | not-yet-due | |
Reported results Terminated | 2017-000057-40 | A prospective randomized double-blind study Intranasal dexmedetomidine versus intranasal S-ketamine for children age 1 – 3 years for procedural sedation and analgesia in pediatric emergency department... | 2020-09-28 | due-trials |
Exempt | 2017-000379-96 | Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic aspects in children after intranasal administration of the opioid antagonist naloxone Farmakokinetisk och farmakodynamisk studie av opioidantagonisten naloxon h... | not-yet-due | |
Ongoing | 2017-001467-20 | Effects of Identifying and Treating Early, Subclinical Cardiotoxicity on the Long- Term Incidence of Clinical Cardiotoxicity in Women with Breast Cancer, a prospective randomised study: The Cardio-Onc... | not-yet-due | |
Ongoing | 2017-004532-10 | Effects of immunomodulatory therapy on gonadal function in women with autoimmune premature ovarian insufficiency | not-yet-due | |
Completed, but no date | 2018-001489-41 | Radiation- and alkylator-free hematopoietic cell transplantation for bone marrow failure due to dyskeratosis congenita / telomere disease | bad-data | |
Other | 2018-001795-38 | ALLTogether1¿ A Treatment study protocol of the ALLTogether Consortium for children and young adults (1-45 years of age) with newly diagnosed acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) | not-yet-due | |
Ongoing | 2018-002579-16 | Evaluation of the possible use of analysis of posaconazole in exhaled breath as a surrogate marker for the lung to monitor adequate dosages of posaconazole in CF patients treated for Aspergillus spp. ... | not-yet-due | |
Ongoing | 2018-003806-23 | Postoperative pain and recovery after robot assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy - a single-blinded randomized controlled trial | not-yet-due | |
Exempt | 2018-004050-16 | HEAT-AML (Hydroxyurea-Enhanced Ara-C Treatment of Adult Acute Myeloid Leukaemia): A phase I/II multicenter study to assess the tolerability and efficacy of the addition of hydroxyurea to standard ara-... | not-yet-due | |
Not reported Terminated | 2018-004457-24 | PREDIX II HER2. Improving pre-operative systemic therapy for human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) amplified breast cancer Part of a platform of translational phase 2 trials based on molecul... | 2021-08-01 | due-trials |
Other | 2019-001200-38 | Octreotide treatment to improve nutritional recovery after surgery for patients with esophageal or gastric cancer, a prospective randomized open label phase II study - OTIS | not-yet-due | |
Other | 2019-003299-38 | A randomized double blind, multicenter trial to assess time-interval between cytoreductive surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy after administration of local anesthetic intraperitoneally/perioperatively ... | not-yet-due | |
Completed, but no date | 2019-004255-36 | Cesar - an open, randomized controlled phase II study, comparing Naltrexon and Fluoxetin treating Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder. Cesar - en öppen randomiserad kontrollerad fas II-studie som j... | bad-data | |
Other | 2019-004349-34 | Early mental response to hormonal treatment in transgender men Snabba mentala effekter av könskonträr hormonbehandling hos transmän | not-yet-due | |
Other | 2020-000149-15 | NEoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy for Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma versus Definitive chemoradiotherapy with salvage Surgery as needed (NEEDS Trial). | not-yet-due | |
Not reported Terminated | 2020-000695-38 | Healthy diet rich in potassium containing fruits, vegetables and nuts to chronic kidney disease patients thought the use of sodium zirconium cyclosilicate: A Feasibility Study | 2023-05-10 | due-trials |
Ongoing | 2020-000982-18 | The NOR Solidarity multicenter trial on the efficacy of different anti-viral drugs in SARS-CoV-2 infected patients (COVID-19). | not-yet-due | |
Reported results | 2020-001748-24 | A multi-center, randomized, open-label study in patients with COVID-19 and respiratory distress not requiring mechanical ventilation, to compare standard-of-care with anakinra and tocilizumab treatmen... | 2021-05-17 | due-trials |
Not reported Terminated | 2020-002293-28 | Resolving inflammatory storm in COVID-19 patients by Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. - A single-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled feasibility study | 2021-06-18 | due-trials |
Other | 2020-004281-19 | Investigator initiated clinical trial of dantrolene as a treatment for Darier disease | not-yet-due | |
Other | 2020-004445-36 | A phase II trial of 177Lutetium-DOTATATE in children with primary refractory or relapsed high-risk neuroblastoma. | not-yet-due | |
Other | 2020-004780-71 | A phase III Randomized Double-Blinded Placebo-Controlled Study of Use of GnRHa during Chemotherapy for Fertility Protection of Young Women and Teenagers with Cancer - ProFertil En fas III Randomis... | not-yet-due | |
Other | 2020-005096-12 | Utvärdering av två kortison behandlingsstrategier hos patienter med nydiagnostiserad, tidigare obehandlad reumatoid artrit: en randomiserad, öppen, non-inferiority klinisk studie | not-yet-due | |
Ongoing | 2020-005976-36 | An investigator-initiated, open label trial to correlate efficacy of tralokinumab in subjects with atopic dermatitis to molecular signatures (PRECision in TRAlokinumab therapy) | not-yet-due | |
Completed, but no date | 2021-000175-37 | Immunological Responses after Vaccination for COVID-19 with the mRNA Vaccine Comirnaty in Immunosuppressed and Immunocompetent Individuals. An open, non-randomized , phase IV multicenter study | bad-data | |
Ongoing | 2021-000206-17 | Studies of ongoing and completed SARS-CoV-2 infection (which causes COVID-19) within the healthcare in Stockholm County, with regard to vaccinations. Studier av pågående och genomgången SARS-CoV-2 ... | not-yet-due | |
Completed, but no date | 2021-000764-30 | Hyperbaric Oxygen for Treatment of Long COVID syndrome; A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind, Phase II Clinical Trial | bad-data | |
Other | 2021-001249-11 | PARACHUTES: Pedophilia At Risk – Acute Treatment – E-therapy vs SSRI PARACHUTES: Pedophilia At Risk – Acute Treatment – E-therapy vs SSRI En öppen, randomiserad kontrollerad studie som jämför eff... | not-yet-due | |
Other | 2021-001624-17 | Safety of oral micronized progesterone versus norethisterone acetate in continuous combination with oral estrogen as menopausal hormone therapy – a double-blind randomized study- PROBES study (Progest... | not-yet-due | |
Other | 2021-002367-21 | Fettvävsheterogenitet och dess koppling till typ 2 diabetes : En randomiserad öppen behandlingsstudie som jämför Empagliflozin, Pioglitazon och Semaglutide | not-yet-due | |
Ongoing | 2021-003785-13 | An investigator-initiated, open label trial to investigate efficacy of brodalumab in eczematized psoriasis (BRodalumab in Eczematized PSOriasis) | not-yet-due | |
Other | 2021-003809-22 | A phase II multicenter single-armed study using subject-specific minimal residual disease markers to adopt treatment after allogeneic stem cell transplantation for subjects with myelodysplastic syndro... | not-yet-due |