These trials completed more than 12 months ago and should have reported results. Some have, some have not.

These trials are not yet due to report results: some are ongoing, some completed within the past 12 months.

These trials have problematic data on the registry. Details why »

Status Trial ID Title Completion date Category
Not reported 2004-002535-12 Fluvastatin 80 mg ret. vs combination with ezetimib 10 mg 2008-01-31 due-trials
Reported results 2005-000181-39 A Prospective Trial of Anti-TNF-a Chimeric Monoclonal Antibody (infliximab, Remicade®) on Insulin Sensitivity, Beta Cell Function and Cardiovascular Risk Profile in Insulin Resistant Human Obesity 2007-06-19 due-trials
Reported results 2005-001070-27 Open, randomised, monosite pilot trial for comparison of thrombolytic efficacy of tenecteplase and alteplase in patients with acute pulmonary embolism 2010-02-09 due-trials
Ongoing, reported early 2005-001245-41 A single-center, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of Dapsone in adult patients with cutaneous leukocytoclastic vasculitis not-yet-due
Reported results 2005-002160-28 Safety and efficacy of long-term treatment with atorvastatin in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis 2007-11-21 due-trials
Reported results 2005-003107-36 Pharmacokinetic of Amoxicillin and Clavulanacid in pneumonic, interstitial lung tissue measured by in vivo microdialysis, in patients with pleural empyema treated by decortication. 2005-12-31 due-trials
Reported results 2005-004012-78 Effects of acarbose on endothelial function, platelet activity, insulin sensitivity and glucose control in subjects with coronary artery disease and new onset type-II diabetes. 2007-11-15 due-trials
Reported results 2005-006136-29 Mikroperfusions-Pilotstudie zur Korrelation von Schmerzreaktion und neurogener Entzündung bei photodynamischer Therapie superfizieller Basaliome (English: Microperfusion-pilotstudy to correlate pain ... 2007-08-31 due-trials
Reported results 2006-000294-29 Die Bedeutung des sensorischen Nervensystems der Haut bei polymorpher Lichtdermatose English title: The role of the cutaneous sensory nervous system in polymorphic light eruption (PLE) 2007-04-04 due-trials
Reported results 2006-000838-12 Die Bedeutung des sensorischen Nervensystems für die Repigmentierung der Haut bei Vitiligo (engl.: The role of the sensory nervous system for repigmentation in vitiligo) 2008-03-31 due-trials
Reported results 2006-003551-20 The Effect of adult MSC on Bone Regeneration and Osseointegration of Dental Implants following a Sinus Augmentation Procedure 2008-01-14 due-trials
Reported results 2006-004034-32 Zur Frage des neuroleptikainduzierten metabolischen Syndroms. Studie 1: Fettverteilung und spezifische hormonelle Parameter. Eine prospektive Vergleichsstudie zwischen 5 atypischen Neuroleptika 2013-09-10 due-trials
Reported results 2006-004036-71 Zur Frage des neuroleptikainduzierten metabolischen Syndroms. Studie 2: Fettverteilung und spezifische hormonelle Parameter. Vergleich zwischen auf das metabolische Syndrom vulnerablen und nicht vulne... 2013-09-10 due-trials
Reported results 2006-004367-57 Treatment of retinal angiomatous proliferation lesions due to age-related macular degeneration with ranibizumab (Lucentis®) and photodynamic therapy with verteporfin (Visudyne®) 2013-09-10 due-trials
Completed, but no date 2006-006244-58 Verabreichung von Ketamin als Koanalgetikum tumorbedingter Schmerzen - Phase II-Studie bad-data
Reported results 2007-000842-11 99Tc labled Inliximab for evaluation of inflammatory activity in patients with inflammtory bowel disease (IBD) 2010-09-01 due-trials
Completed, but no date Terminated 2007-001205-17 An open, mono-centre study to investigate the effect of the local application of an anti-inflammatory agent on the concentration of different cytokines in interstitial fluid af subcutaneous adipose ti... bad-data
Reported results Terminated 2007-001671-11 Influence of urinary acidification by l-Methionine on bone metabolism and acid base status 2007-11-01 due-trials
Reported results 2007-003769-41 Albumin in acute-on-chronic liver failure: More than just volume? A randomized, controlled study 2011-11-08 due-trials
Reported results 2007-004288-23 Frühtherapie der pulmonal arteriellen Hypertonie (PAH) 2009-08-27 due-trials
Reported results Terminated 2007-004515-56 Efficacy of ursodeoxycholic acid in the treatment of insulin resistance and vascular dysfunction in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease 2013-12-31 due-trials
Ongoing 2007-005399-15 Penetration of Cubicin® and Fosfomycin® into skeletal muscle and subcutaneous adipose tissue of necrotizing soft tissue infections, measured by in-vivo microdialysis not-yet-due
Reported results 2007-006252-19 Einfluss von peroraler Methylprednisolon-Gabe auf die postoperative Morbidität nach operativer Weisheitszahnenfernung im Unterkiefer. (Influence of peroral Methylprednisolone administration on the po... 2013-09-10 due-trials
Not reported 2007-007474-33 Prospective, placebo-controlled trial of vitamin D supplementation in patients with low-levels of 25-OH vitamin D to evaluate changes in markers of cardiovascular risk 2011-10-15 due-trials
Reported results 2008-000626-39 Calcipotriol zur Prävention der Polymorphen Lichtdermatose 2009-08-28 due-trials
Reported results 2008-000712-33 Fentanyl for the treatment of dsypnea in patients with chronic heart failure 2008-07-24 due-trials
Reported results 2008-006153-41 Target site pharmacokinetics of linezolid after repetitive doses in diabetic patients with bacterial foot infection 2011-11-30 due-trials
Reported results 2008-006772-30 Evaluation of HCV clearance by hemodialysis 2010-12-31 due-trials
Reported results 2008-006949-75 Tissue pharmacokinetics of daptomycin measured by in vivo microdialysis in patients with diabetic foot infection 2009-08-14 due-trials
Reported results 2008-007792-24 Effects of vitamin D supplementation in healthy women and men on immunological, endocrine and metabolic parameters 2009-06-03 due-trials
Reported results 2008-008486-35 Comparison of the impact of biphasic insulin aspart 30(BiAsp30), biphasic insulin aspart 70 (BiAsp 70) and insulin aspart on postprandial glucose and lipid metabolism during two consecutive meals in t... 2010-12-28 due-trials
Reported results 2009-012080-34 VITDAL@ICU - Vitamin D supplementation in critically ill patients – prospective, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial (pilot study) 2010-02-08 due-trials
Reported results 2009-015523-91 Placebo controlled study on effects of vitamin D supplementation in healthy women and men on immunological, endocrine and metabolic parameters 2010-05-25 due-trials
Completed, but no date, and reported results 2009-016829-34 Influence of perioperative administration of diclovenac-natrium/orfendadrincitrate on the recurrence rate of surgically treated spontaneous pneumothorax bad-data
Ongoing 2009-017137-22 Clinical course after substitution of Vitamin-D deficiency in patients with lung cancer or oesophageal carcinoma. Double blind randomised prospective, placebo-controlled study. not-yet-due
Reported results 2009-017782-30 Treatment of macular edema due to central retinal vein occlusion with ranibizumab (Lucentis®). 2016-06-15 due-trials
Reported results 2009-018108-17 Kann der antiaggregatorische Effekt von Clopidogrel und Acetylsalicylsäure durch die Gabe von Thrombozytenkonzentraten aufgehoben werden? 2010-11-30 due-trials
Reported results 2009-018125-70 Styrian Vitamin D Hypertension Trial: A randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled trial to study the effects of vitamin D supplementation on systolic blood pressure in vitamin D deficient hypertens... 2014-08-21 due-trials
Reported results 2010-018798-39 Correction of vitamin D deficiency in critically ill patients: a randomized, doulbe-blind, placebo-controlled trial 2014-03-28 due-trials
Reported results 2010-018901-12 Placebo controlled study on effects of vitamin D supplementation in type 1 diabetic subjects on immunological, endocrine and metabolic parameters: Step 2 of the Austrian Diabetes Prevention Programme ... 2014-01-27 due-trials
Reported results 2010-019422-13 An open monocentric pilot study to investigate the potential of imiquimod 5% cream to detect residual and to prevent recurrence of lentigo maligna after surgical excision 2022-11-02 due-trials
Completed, but no date 2010-019767-11 Ö-PKU 1 – Evaluation of a Test for the identication of BH4 responsive PKU patients bad-data
Reported results 2010-021901-19 Reduzierter Opioidverbrauch durch Physostigmin als Dauertropf zur postoperativen PCA – PHANOS (PHysostigmine-enhANced Opioid analgeSia). prospektive, doppelblinde, randomisierte, placebokontrollierte... 2011-12-01 due-trials
Reported results 2010-022763-35 Vitamin D supplementation in chronic heart failure: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial 2013-08-01 due-trials
Reported results 2011-000780-27 A single-center, randomized, controlled, 2-period cross-over, open-labelled trial to evaluate the impact of different application volumes on pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of insulin ... 2013-09-10 due-trials
Ongoing, reported early 2011-000994-30 A randomized, double‐blind, placebo controlled trial to evaluate the effects of vitamin D supplementation on metabolic and fertility parameters in PCOS women Einfluss einer Vitamin D-Supplementieru... not-yet-due
Reported results Terminated 2011-001074-26 Effect of High Dose Selenium on Inflammation and Neurological Outcome after Cardiac Arrest: A randomized, double blind placebo controlled phase 2a study 2015-06-23 due-trials
Reported results Terminated 2011-001139-22 AMBRISENTAN FOR TREATMENT OF PORTOPULMONARY HYPERTENSION (POPH): A PILOT STUDY 2015-07-21 due-trials
Completed, but no date, and reported results 2011-001918-34 An open, single-centre, controlled trial to investigate the efficacy and usability of published best practice to control glycaemia in hospitalised patients with type 2 diabetes bad-data
Ongoing 2011-002279-40 Comparative study of the hypnosedative management during video sleep endoscopy in patients with obstructive sleep apnoe syndrome Vergleichende Untersuchung für hypnosedatives Management im Rahmen... not-yet-due
Ongoing, reported early 2011-003575-11 A randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled trial to evaluate the effects of vitamin D supplementation on androgen levels in hypogonadal men not-yet-due
Reported results 2011-004305-24 Inhibition of the Hedgehog Pathway in Basal Cell Carcinomas of Patients treated with Itraconazole for Onychomycosis Inhibierung des Hedgehog Pathways in Basalzellkarzinomen bei Patienten/-innen mit... 2012-09-26 due-trials
Reported results 2011-004394-90 Keyhole Limpet Hemocyanin in Chronic Hepatitis C and Compensated Cirrhosis - IM1 Keyhole Limpet Hemocyanin bei chronischer Hepatitis C und kompensierter Leberzirrhose 2012-11-12 due-trials
Completed, but no date 2011-004545-40 Pilotstudie zur Untersuchung der Effekte einer Vitamin D Supplementierung bei gesunden Frauen und Männern auf die Anzahl der FOXP3+ regulatorischen T-Zellen in der gastrointestinalen Mukosa: Stufe 3 d... bad-data
Reported results 2011-004621-26 The effect of vitamin D supplementation on immune response following hepatitis B vaccine in incident and prevalent hemodialysis patients with vitamin D deficiency 2016-01-12 due-trials
Reported results 2011-004681-15 Effects of the activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis Wirkung von Aktivierung von Peroxisom-Proliferator-aktivierten Rezeptoren bei Pat... 2013-10-14 due-trials
Reported results 2011-005204-15 Ultrasound as biomarker for withdrawal of biological DMARDs in rheumatoid arthritis (RA-BioStop) Ultraschall als Biomarker für das Absetzen von biologischen DMARDs bei Patienten mit rheumatoider Ar... 2020-11-19 due-trials
Ongoing 2011-005683-21 Effects of eplerenone on parathyroid hormone levels in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial Studie zur Untersuchung der Effekte von Eple... not-yet-due
Reported results Terminated 2011-006300-12 Pilot study of the incretin effect on the immunological phenotype in healthy subjects and subjects with type 1 diabetes: Step 4 of the Austrian Diabetes Prevention Programme (ADPP-004). Pilotstudie... 2015-02-01 due-trials
Reported results 2012-000130-19 PHANOS (PHysostigmine-enHAnced Opioid analgeSia) study Reduzierter Opioidverbrauch durch Physostigmin als Dauertropf zur postoperativen PCA – PHANOS (PHysostigmine-enhANced Opioid analgeSia) Folge... 2018-09-15 due-trials
Reported results 2012-000212-28 A multi-center, randomized study on oral 8-methoxypsoralen plus UVA with or without maintenance therapy in mycosis fungoides EORTC/ISCL stage Ia to IIb. Eine multizentrische, randomisierte , klini... 2018-07-02 due-trials
Reported results Terminated 2012-000300-15 Vitamin D supplementation in polymorphic light eruption: Randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled trial Vitamin D Therapie bei Polymorpher Lichtdermatose: Randomisierte doppelt-verblindede Plaz... 2015-05-31 due-trials
Reported results 2012-001449-42 A randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled trial to evaluate vitamin D supplementation on serum 25 hydroxy- vitamin D level in cirrhotic patients Eine randomisierte, doppelblinde, Placebo-kon... 2016-12-15 due-trials
Reported results 2012-002002-46 A phase III, randomized, controlled clinical pilot trial of lateral ridge augmentation using autogenous bone blocks or xenogenic bone block grafts loaded with recombinant human bone morphogenic protei... 2019-03-15 due-trials
Reported results 2012-002052-17 Primary Imiquimod Treatment versus Surgery for Vulvar Intraepithelial Neoplasia: A Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial Primäre Therapie mit Imiquimod versus Chirurgie zur Behandlung der Vulvär... 2021-02-11 due-trials
Reported results Terminated 2012-003037-41 Effects of Roflumilast on pulmonary vascular resistance in patients with COPD and sleep apnea (Overlap Syndrome) with and without non-invasive ventilation. A Pilot Study. 2012-09-21 due-trials
Reported results 2012-003480-21 An open, single-centre, non-controlled feasibility study on the performance of a tablet based workflow and decision support system with incorporated software algorithm used for glycaemic management in... 2013-04-05 due-trials
Reported results Terminated 2012-004856-12 Changes of cytokines and regulatory T cells in renal transplant recipients after switch to the mTOR inhibitor Everolimus. A Single center trial, non-blinded, non-randomized. Veränderungen des Immu... 2016-01-28 due-trials
Reported results Terminated 2012-004880-36 Efficacy of induction of labor on term using a double balloon catheter compared to Dinoprostone vaginal-insert – a multicenter randomized controlled trial. Erfolgsrate bei Geburtseinleitung am Term... 2023-04-01 due-trials
Reported results 2012-005490-31 An open, single-centre, non-controlled feasibility study using a softwarealgorithm based insulin therapy to control blood glucose in type 1 diabetic patients Eine offene, monozentrische, nicht kon... 2014-02-04 due-trials
Reported results 2013-000327-14 High dose intravenous iron in blood donors with iron deficiency: a randomized, controlled trial Intravenöse Hochdosis-Eisentherapie bei BlutspenderInnen mit Eisenmangel: eine randomisierte, kontrol... 2016-08-24 due-trials
Reported results 2013-000330-35 Effects of Linagliptin on endothelial function and global arginine bioavailability ratio in coronary artery disease patients with early diabetes Effekte von Linagliptin auf die Endothelfunktion und... 2018-04-28 due-trials
Reported results 2013-001295-38 An open, single-centre, non-controlled study of efficacy, safety and usability of the GlucoTab system for glycaemic management in non-critically ill patients with type 2 diabetes at general wards 2013-12-23 due-trials
Completed, but no date, and reported results 2013-001407-36 Assessment of Hepatic Glucose Production Following Repeated Glucagon Administration in Type 1 Diabetes Patients Untersuchung der hepatischen Glukoseproduktion nach wiederholter Glukagon-Bolusgabe b... bad-data
Not reported 2013-001791-38 Evaluation of the Hydraulic Tissue Resistance at the Site of Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion and Determination of Its Relationship to Insulin Absorption and Duration of Use of the Infusion Site Besti... 2015-06-27 due-trials
Reported results 2013-001811-56 The effect of systemic antibiotics on clinical and patient-centered outcomes of implant therapy and simultaneous guided bone regeneration. A randomised controlled clinical trial. Wirkung einer syst... 2018-04-30 due-trials
Listed as ongoing, but also has a completion date 2013-002416-27 Albumin administration in the prevention of hepatorenal syndrome and death in patients with cirrhosis, bacterial infections other than spontaneous bacterial peritonitis and high risk of hospital morta... 2017-02-12 bad-data
Ongoing 2013-003230-32 The use of 5-aminolevulinic acid (gliolan) mediated protoporphyrin IX fluorescence to label neighbouring infiltration zones in meningiomas 5-Aminolävulinsäure (gliolan) vermittelte Protoporphyrin ... not-yet-due
Reported results 2013-003938-32 Genetic alterations in genes coding for transporters and metformin resistance 2018-09-12 due-trials
Reported results 2013-004527-36 An open, non-randomized, single-center pilotstudy investigating the feasibility of determining the endogenous glucose production during a hypoglycaemic clamp in type 1 diabetes mellitus subjects 2014-12-19 due-trials
Ongoing 2013-004631-77 Exercise and Blood Glucose Levels in Patients with Type I Diabetes - a Pilot Study Blutzuckereinstellung bei Diabetes mellitus Typ I in Abhängigkeit von unterschiedlichen Belastungen - eine Pilots... not-yet-due
Reported results 2013-005062-19 An exploratory study to evaluate dermal open flow microperfusion’s (dOFM) ability to assess bioequivalence and non-bioequivalence of topical acyclovir formulations in healthy volunteers Eine explo... 2015-08-31 due-trials
Reported results 2014-001381-96 A randomized, double blind, two-period cross-over trial investigating the effect of liraglutide as add on to intensive insulin treatment on the endogenous glucose production in subjects with C-peptide... 2016-05-04 due-trials
Reported results 2014-002341-22 Evaluation of the Effect of Glucagon Solutions on the Glucose Concentration at the Subcutaneous Administration Site in Type 1 Diabetic Patients. Beurteilung der Wirkung von Glukagon-Lösungen auf di... 2015-11-13 due-trials
Ongoing 2014-002553-19 Bimatoprost 0,3mg/ml- Eyedrops for lash-lenghtening - Pilot Study Bimatoprost 0,3mg/ml- Augentropfen zur Wimpernverlänngerung - Pilotstudie, Halbseitenversuch not-yet-due
Reported results 2014-004418-27 Standardized tight blood glucose management versus usual glycaemic control in patients undergoing allogeneic stem cell transplantation – a pilot trial 2017-02-26 due-trials
Reported results 2014-005341-44 Molecular-biological tumor profiling for drug treatment selection in patients with advanced and refractory carcinoma 2018-06-08 due-trials
Not reported 2015-000322-11 Assessment of the Duration of Glucagon’s Waning Effect on the Hepatic Glucose Production in Type 1 Diabetes Patients Untersuchung der Dauer der Glukagonwirkung auf die hepatische Glukoseproduktion ... 2015-09-10 due-trials
Reported results 2015-000709-38 Acute Effects of Benzbromaron on the pulmonary circulation Akute Effekte von Benzbromaron auf die pulmonale Zirkulation 2016-06-23 due-trials
Completed, reported early 2015-002004-92 Acute gastroenteritis in paediatrics : Comparison of two oral rehydration preparations - A randomized pilot study Akute Gastroenteritis in der Pädiatrie: Vergleich von zwei oralen Rehydrations-Präp... 2024-09-19 not-yet-due
Not reported 2015-002342-30 Combining Glucagon and Insulin Infusion with Glucose Sensing in Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue of Type 1 Diabetes Patients Zusammenlegung der Glukagon- und Insulin-Infusion mit dem Messen der Glukose ... 2015-12-03 due-trials
Ongoing 2015-002769-44 Efficacy and safety of an accelerated outpatient protocol for hymenoptera venom immunotherapy Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit eines verkürzten ambulanten Impfschemas für die Immuntherapie mit Insektengi... not-yet-due
Reported results 2015-003669-27 Glycemic control with GlucoTab using an ultra-long acting insulin analogue in non-critically ill patients with type 2 diabetes at the general ward 2016-12-01 due-trials
Reported results 2015-004637-27 A randomized, double-blind, three arm, three treatment period, cross-over trial to investi-gate the effect of a SGLT-2 inhibitor, a DPP-4 inhibitor and a SGLT-2 inhibitor + DPP-4 inhibitor on glucagon... 2016-10-06 due-trials
Reported results 2015-005311-32 Assessment of the Hydraulic Tissue Resistance at the Site of Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Untersuchung des hydraulischen Gewebswiderstandes am Ort der subkutanen ... 2016-04-06 due-trials
Reported results Terminated 2016-000782-22 A pilot study of peroral Vorinostat (Zolinza) in patients with refractory histone deacetylase-positive uterine sarcoma. Vorinostat (Zolinza) zur Behandlung von Patientinnen mit einem fortgeschritt... 2019-02-04 due-trials
Exempt 2016-002130-72 Hyperbaric Oxygenation (HBO) in traumatic spinal cord injury. Hyperbare Sauerstofftherapie (HBO) bei traumatischen Rückenmarksverletzungen. not-yet-due
Other 2016-002460-13 Effect of High-Dose Vitamin D3 on 28-Day Mortality in Adult Critically Ill Patients with Severe Vitamin D Deficiency The UK arm of an International Multi-Centre, Placebo-Controlled, Phase III Double-B... not-yet-due
Reported results Terminated 2016-003232-21 EffiCacy and safety of topical ketoroLac trOmethamine and sUbtenon triamcinolone acetonideand a “watch-and-wait” strategy for acute pseudophakic macular eDema: a randomized phase-3 trial Beurteilun... 2020-01-22 due-trials
Ongoing 2016-004012-35 Effect of albumin infusion on oxidative albumin modification, albumin binding capacity and plasma thiol status Effekt einer Albumininfusion auf die oxidative Albuminmodifikation, die Albuminbindung... not-yet-due
Reported results 2016-004176-22 IMProving Ultrafiltration and REmoval of uremic toxins by adapted automated peritoneal dialysis in a single center study (IMPURE-Study). Intensivierte Ultrafiltration und Clearance der urämischen T... 2021-09-16 due-trials
Reported results 2016-004591-22 Impact of EMpagliflozin on cardiac function and biomarkers of heart failure in patients with acute MYocardial infarction (EMMY-Trial) – a phase III Study Einfluß von Empagliflozin auf die kardiale... 2022-05-03 due-trials
Reported results 2017-000922-37 Effects of continuous exercise on time spent in euglycemia and inflammation under the treatment of insulin degludec in patients with type 1 diabetes – a crossover, randomized trial (InflamEx) 2018-05-16 due-trials
Reported results 2017-000955-25 A single-centre, open-label, randomized controlled trial of efficacy, safety and usability of a basal insulin algorithm incorporated in the GlucoTab system compared to standard care for glycaemic mana... 2018-09-28 due-trials
Reported results Terminated 2017-002978-39 Women's satisfaction with outpatient double-balloon catheter versus inpatient dinoprostone vaginal insert for induction of labour Zufriedenheit mit ambulanter Geburtseinleitung mittels Ballonkathet... 2021-03-31 due-trials
Reported results Terminated 2017-003489-28 Influence of high dose vitamin D3 intake on outcome in pancreatic cancer surgery: prospective, randomized, open, controlled study 2020-12-31 due-trials
Reported results 2017-004986-28 Effect of systemic antibiotic therapy on postoperative complications in patients undergoing wisdom teeth removal surgery. A double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled Trial Auswirkung einer syste... 2022-09-06 due-trials
Reported results 2018-000863-98 A single-centre, open-label, non-controlled trial of acceptance, usability, safety and efficacy of a tablet based workflow and decision support system with incorporated basal-insulin algorithm for gly... 2018-10-30 due-trials
Not reported 2018-001290-24 NFAT-regulated gene expression after tacrolimus NFAT-regulierte Genexpression nach Lebertransplantation 2021-09-16 due-trials
Completed, but no date, and reported results Terminated 2018-001758-89 Validation of the PsASon ULtrasound scores in patients with psoriatic arthritis undergoing TReatment with Apremilast bad-data
Not reported 2018-002339-23 Prospective intraindividual comparison of the mydriasis of a standardized intracameral anaesthetics with the topical preoperative drop application in the uncomplicated cataract surgery Prospektiver... 2021-09-23 due-trials
Reported results 2018-002646-36 Pilot study to evaluate glycemic control with GlucoTab using an ultra-long acting insulin analogue in non-critically ill patients with type 2 diabetes at the genaral ward Pilotstudie zur Bestimmung... 2020-03-24 due-trials
Ongoing 2018-004679-11 Hyperbaric Oxygenation (HBO) in traumatic spinal cord injury - prospective study with 100 patients. Hyperbare Sauerstofftherapie bei traumatischen Rückenmarksverletzungen - prospektive Studie mit 1... not-yet-due
Not reported 2019-000178-50 Perioperative off-label application (from admission up to 72 hours postoperatively) of Fentanyl TTS as part of a pain management in comparison to a certified pain medication management in adult patien... 2020-03-06 due-trials
Reported results 2019-000700-14 Pilot-Study comparing analgosedation concepts during placement of regional anaesthesia with either fentanyl, remifentanil, clonidine, EMLA-Patch or placebo in regard of patient's wellbeing, pain and s... 2019-10-18 due-trials
Completed, report not yet due 2019-001281-14 A trial investigating the effect on blood glucose after the injection of fast-acting insulin aspart (Fiasp®) in comparison to insulin aspart (NovoRapid®) around exercise in participants with type 1 di... 2024-10-01 not-yet-due
Reported results 2019-001493-28 Raxone® treatment for patients with dominant optic atrophy due to OPA1 gene mutation Raxone® Behandlung bei OPA1 bedingter dominanter Optikusatrophie 2023-04-25 due-trials
Other 2019-002068-29 Influence of once vs twice daily corticosteroid administration on glycemia assessed by continuous glucose monitoring in patients with ANCA vasculitis Auswirkung einer einmal vs zweimal täglichen K... not-yet-due
Reported results 2019-003209-89 A trial investigating ultra-long-acting basal insulins’ flexibility around multiple spontaneous exercise sessions in people with type 1 diabetes: a head to head comparison of 2nd generation insulin Gl... 2023-03-01 due-trials
Ongoing 2020-000228-20 Probiotic dietary Intervention in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome – A Randomized Controlled Trial Probiotische Interventionsstudie bei Polyzystischem Ovarsyndrom (PCOS) - eine randomisiert kontrollierte ... not-yet-due
Other 2020-000435-45 A randomised, double-blind, placebo controlled, parallel group, multi-centre trial in adult subjects with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes mellitus investigating the effect of Verapamil SR on preservat... not-yet-due
Other 2020-001939-27 The effect of systemic antibiotics on post-surgical complications and patient-centered outcomes in patients undergoing implant surgery with guided bone regeneration and simultaneous sinus floor elevat... not-yet-due
Reported results Terminated 2020-002581-14 Ertugliflozin to Reduce Arrhythmic burden in ICD/CRT patientS (ERASe-Trial) – a phase III Study Ertugliflozin zur Reduktion von Arrhythmien bei ICD/CRT-Patienten (ERASe-Studie) - eine Phase 3 Stud... 2023-06-30 due-trials
Completed, report not yet due Terminated 2020-003114-12 Impact of Hepatitis B immunoglobulins in patients with chronic Hepatitis B on Hepatocellular Carcinoma – a proof of concept study 2024-02-08 not-yet-due
Reported results 2020-003316-27 Earliest Stage Treatment of Actinic Keratosis with Imiquimod 3.75% Cream Behanlung Aktinischer Keratosen mit Imiquimod 3,75% Créme im frühestmöglichen Stadium 2022-01-11 due-trials
Reported results 2021-001040-10 Humoral and cellular immune response to COVID-19 vaccines in immunocompromised and healthy individuals – The CoVVac study 2023-01-20 due-trials
Ongoing 2021-001103-32 The HEPCOViVac Registry - Immunological response in patients with liver disease vaccinated against COVID-19 Das HEPCOViVac Register - Immunantwort bei Patienten mit Leberkrankheit die gegen Covid-1... not-yet-due
Completed, reported early 2021-001126-21 Hyperbaric Oxygenation for patients with post-COVID-19 sequelae. Pilot study. Hyperbare Sauerstofftherapie bei Patienten mit post-COVID-19 Symptomen. Pilotstudie 2024-09-30 not-yet-due
Reported results Terminated 2021-001391-42 Characterisation of the effects of Spermidine on the immune response to Covid-19 vaccine in older people - a feasibility study 2023-05-11 due-trials
Reported results 2021-001459-15 Immune response to COVID-19 Vaccination in people with Diabetes Mellitus - COVAC-DM study Immunantwort auf COVID-19 Impfung bei Personen mit Diabetes-Mellitus - COVAC-DM-Studie 2022-08-30 due-trials
Not reported 2021-002984-23 Retrospective quantification of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody response after mRNA COVID-19 vaccine in patients treated with peritoneal dialysis Retrospektive Quantifizierung anti-SARS-CoV2 Antikörper A... 2022-02-03 due-trials
Reported results Terminated 2021-006172-16 Detection and Characterization of Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Salivary Antibodies after COVID-19 Booster Vaccines – The CoVVacBoost Study 2022-10-04 due-trials
Completed, reported early Terminated 2022-002582-15 Phase II Study of Neratinib and Trastuzumab +/- Vinorelbine p.o. in Pre-treated Metastatic HER2-positive Breast Cancer (Ner-Her-1) Phase II Studie von Neratinib und Trastuzumab+/- Vinorelbine p.o... 2024-01-19 not-yet-due
Not reported 2022-003326-44 SunDamage: Tirbanibulin 1% Ointment for the treatment of chronically sun-damaged skin on the face 2023-11-13 due-trials
Not reported 2022-003537-18 Assessment of the Tissue Hydraulic Resistance at the Site of Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion and Its Relation to Subcutaneous Insulin Absorption Untersuchung des hydraulischen Gewebswiderstandes an d... 2023-12-05 due-trials
Completed, report not yet due Terminated 2022-004166-37 Hyperbaric oxygenation for patients with orthostatic dysregulation (postural orthostatic tachycardia) in Long- COVID. Prospectively randomized cross- over study. Hyperbare Sauerstofftherapie bei Pa... 2024-12-31 not-yet-due