These trials completed more than 12 months ago and should have reported results. Some have, some have not.

These trials are not yet due to report results: some are ongoing, some completed within the past 12 months.

These trials have problematic data on the registry. Details why »

Status Trial ID Title Completion date Category
Listed as ongoing, but also has a completion date 2010-021884-34 Relapse prevention in children and adolescents with DSM-IV Conduct Disorder treated with Risperidone: a Randomized Double blind, Placebo-Controlled, Discontinuation Study. 2013-01-01 bad-data
Ongoing 2014-004475-23 Enhancement of exposure therapy for social anxiety disorder with testosterone: A randomized clinical trial De toegevoegde waarde van testosteron bij exposuretherapie voor sociale angststoornis. not-yet-due
Not reported Terminated 2016-000367-16 The effect of oxytocin administration on empathy and emotion recognition in healthy and antisocial adolescents 2019-05-20 due-trials
Reported results 2016-004629-18 The noradrenergic basis of Parkinson’s tremor: a systems-level fMRI approach De noradrenerge basis van Parkinson tremor: een fMRI studie 2021-09-06 due-trials
Ongoing 2019-001910-40 Combining emotion recognition training with oxytocin administration: A psychobiological approach not-yet-due
Completed, report not yet due 2021-004919-11 The effect of colchicine on Food-reLAted effort-based decision making in brain and behavIouR in overweight and obesity: the FLAIR-i study. Het effect van colchicine op voedselgerelateerd inspanning... 2025-01-20 not-yet-due
Ongoing 2022-000603-12 Oxytocin and reactivity to infant signals in mothers with postpartum depression not-yet-due