These trials completed more than 12 months ago and should have reported results. Some have, some have not.

These trials are not yet due to report results: some are ongoing, some completed within the past 12 months.

These trials have problematic data on the registry. Details why »

Status Trial ID Title Completion date Category
Ongoing 2004-001551-11 Behandling av förhöjt pulmonellt arteriellt tryck med inhalerad iloprost not-yet-due
Reported results 2004-001583-52 Balanced anestesia for intubation of newborn premature infants – a randomized intervention study Balanserad anestesi för intubation av nyfödda prematura barn – en randomiserad interventionsstudie 2010-02-01 due-trials
Not reported 2005-000129-47 The effect of Adalimumab (Humira) on vascular abnormalities in rheumatoid arthritis. A pilot study. 2007-02-07 due-trials
Ongoing 2005-000483-77 Inverkan av fraktionerad tillförsel av propofol med eller utan samtidig venstas på intensitet av lokal smärta utlöst av efterföljande intravenös injektion av propofol. not-yet-due
Completed, but no date 2005-003068-47 Behandling med botulinumtoxin vid neurogen blåsfunktionsstörning bad-data
Completed, but no date, and reported results Terminated 2005-004207-11 Single blind study comparing nephrotoxicity in patients with decreased renal function after intravenous gadodiamide(Omniscan) or gadopenteate (Magnevist) injection in routine clinical Magnetic Resonan... bad-data
Ongoing 2006-000359-16 Vitamin D and atopic allergy not-yet-due
Not reported 2006-002295-18 ACT: Avastin and Chemoterapy followed by Avastin alone or in combination with Tarceva for the treatment of metatstatic colorectal cancer 2012-08-17 due-trials
Ongoing 2006-004427-11 Effects of Omega-3-Fatty Acids on Arterial Endothelial Function and Intima Media Thickness in Children with Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus not-yet-due
Ongoing 2006-004892-36 An open randomized and comparative study on the efficacy and safety of additional treatment of subcutaneous immunoglobulin (Subcuvia) during cessation of Prednisolon in patients with active systemic l... not-yet-due
Completed, but no date 2006-006439-39 Bisfosfonatbehandling av bentransplantat vid höftrevisionhöftplastikrevision utvärderat med radiostereofotogrametri. En randomiserad, dubbel-blind studie hos patienter opererade för osteolys och asept... bad-data
Completed, report not yet due Terminated 2006-006444-63 The addition of clonidine to bupivacaine/adrenaline intercostal nerve blockades in patients undergoing open cholecystectomies 2024-12-03 not-yet-due
Completed, but no date Terminated 2006-006940-69 Add-on treatment of mental illness with anti-viral medicine bad-data
Not reported 2007-001130-13 Hepatitis C in a cohort of patients with maintenance therapy for opiate dependence - prevalence, severity and outcome of antiviral therapy 2013-10-07 due-trials
Not reported 2007-001783-75 Phase 2 trial with Avastin and Doxorubicin postoperatively for patients with anaplastic thyroid carcinoma 2015-02-12 due-trials
Ongoing 2007-003000-35 A randomized controlled single blind multicenter study to investigate the induction of aluminium contact allergy in children/adults receiving hyposensitisation therapy due to allergic disease. Childr... not-yet-due
Reported results 2007-006033-14 A randomized phase III study of standard treatment +/- enoxaparin in small cell lung cancer. Randomiserad fas III studie av standard behandling +/- enoxaparin vid småcellig lungcancer. 2017-05-05 due-trials
Completed, but no date 2007-006539-29 Effects of different anti-rheumatic treatments of arthritis on antibody response following pneumococcal vaccination using Prevenar bad-data
Completed, but no date 2007-007661-20 Which is the optimal treatment for miscarriage with a gestational sac in the uterus and which factors can predict if the treatment will be successful? bad-data
Ongoing 2008-008597-31 Comparative study to evaluate the effects of racemic ketamin versus s-ketamine on cerebral blood flow, blood volume and metabolism not-yet-due
Ongoing 2009-012437-30 Clofarabine based remission induction followed by haploidentical stem cell transplantation in children with refractory hematological malignancies not-yet-due
Not reported 2009-016815-39 Is Intralymphatic Allergen Immunotherapy effective and safe: A human randomized clinical trial 2017-12-01 due-trials
Reported results 2010-019815-40 Avastin and chemotherapy followed by a KRAS stratified randomization to maintenance treatment for first line treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer 2014-05-07 due-trials
Not reported 2011-001452-11 Supplemental Oxygen in Catherized Coronary Emergency Reperfusion 2016-02-15 due-trials
Ongoing 2011-001520-37 Ketamine as an alternative to electroconvulsive therapy for treatment of major depressive disorder Ketamin som alternativ till ECT vid egentlig depression not-yet-due
Reported results 2011-001673-70 EPO to protect renal function after cardiac surgery. EPRICS. A phase II double blind randomized controlled study. 2013-01-03 due-trials
Ongoing 2011-004266-15 Androgen replacement in young hypogonadal men: a 2 year randomized, double-blind placebo controlled study Testosteron substitutionsbehandling till unga hypogonadala män: 2 års randomiserad, dubbe... not-yet-due
Completed, but no date 2011-004613-17 The effect of intravitreal injections of Lucentis (ranibizumab) on retinal function in diabetic patients with diabetic macular edema and visual impairment Effekten av, i glaskroppen injicerat läk... bad-data
Not reported 2011-006195-39 An open-label study to compare the prognostic value of (18F)Flutemetamol PET-imaging with longitudinal biomarker data in healthy volunteers and patients with mild cognitive impairment 2017-06-30 due-trials
Not reported Terminated 2012-001879-37 A randomized multicenter phase III study of cisplatin plus radiotherapy compared to cetuximab plus radiotherapy in locally advanced head and neck cancer 2024-01-10 due-trials
Ongoing 2012-002213-19 No Effekten av antibiotikaprofylax i samband med tandimplantatkirurgi not-yet-due
Not reported 2012-004313-13 A prospective study of the use of 68Ga-DOTA-TATE PET/CT in patients with neuroendocrine tumors. En prospektiv studie av användandet av 68Ga-DOTA-TATE PET/CT hos patienter med neuroendokrina tumörer... 2016-07-15 due-trials
Ongoing 2013-002686-19 Hemophilia Inhibitor PUP Study Anti-faktor VIII hämmande antikroppar hos tidigare obehandlade patienter med ärftlig blödarsjuka not-yet-due
Completed, but no date Terminated 2013-004176-35 A randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled, proof-of-concept study of FP187 in patients with mild to moderate Psoriatic Arthritis bad-data
Completed, but no date 2014-000422-38 An open-label study evaluating the diagnostic accuracy of [18F]-AV-1451 PET to detect and distinguish neurodegenerative disorders characterized by cerebral accumulation of tau bad-data
Not reported 2014-002362-74 Palliative short-course hypofractionated radiotherapy followed by chemotherapy in adenocarcinoma of the esophagus or esophogastric junction trial - a phase II clinical trial protocol. 2019-05-01 due-trials
Completed, but no date 2014-003229-17 To compare the effect of Eylea given every other month after three injections to treatment with a gradual extension intervals. and examine retinal function with electroretinography (ERG) in patients w... bad-data
Reported results 2014-004610-29 Ciclosporin to Protect Renal function In Cardiac Surgery. CiPRICS. A Phase II Double Blind Randomized Placebo Controlled Study. 2016-09-23 due-trials
Reported results 2014-005308-12 Treatment of MRSA throat carriage with mupirocin irrigation Behandling af MRSA svælgbærerskab med skylning med mupirocin 2020-08-31 due-trials
Exempt 2015-002470-20 Fentanyl and Clonidine for analgesia during hypothermia in term asphyxiated infants – a prospective pharmacokinetic/ pharmacodynamic/ pharmacogenetic observational study. Cohort 1 in The SANNI project... not-yet-due
Ongoing 2015-004425-13 Prospective evaluation of 68-Ga-PSMA-PET and early PSA kinetics during salvage radiotherapy for personalizing the management of men with relapse of prostate cancer after radical prostatectomy. not-yet-due
Reported results 2015-005300-29 Prevention and treatment of initial rotcaries among elderly in Skåne. Prevention och behandling av initial rotkaries hos äldre i Skåne. En randomiserad studie av effekten av enstaka applicering a... 2020-02-19 due-trials
Completed, report not yet due 2016-000494-20 A Clinical Trial to Compare Efficacy and Tolerability of Atorvastatin in Addition to Endocrine Based Treatment with Focus on Mechanisms of Resistance to Endocrine Based Treatment (fulvestrant/aromatas... 2024-05-08 not-yet-due
Other 2017-000094-36 The BioFINDER 2 study - improved diagnostics and increased understanding of the pathophysiology of cognitive disorders BioFINDER 2 studien - förbättrad diagnostik och ökad förståelse av sjukdomsmek... not-yet-due
Ongoing 2017-005091-26 Clonidine for analgesia to preterm infants during neonatal intensive care – a prospective pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic/pharmacogenetic observational study. Cohort 2 in The SANNI project. not-yet-due
Other 2018-000050-22 Irinotecan-based triplet (FOLFOXIRI) as perioperative treatment in resectable gastric and gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma. not-yet-due
Completed, report not yet due 2018-001846-32 Treatment of NF1-related plexiform neurofibroma with trametinib; a single arm, open-label trial with the goals of volumetric partial remission and pain relief Behandling av NF1-relaterade plexiform... 2024-07-03 not-yet-due
Other 2018-001850-80 Acalabrutinib and rituximab in elderly patients with untreated mantle cell lymphoma not-yet-due
Other 2018-003889-14 R-MINI-CHOP versus R-MINI-CHP in combination with polatuzumab-vedotin, as primary treatment for patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, >= 80 years, or frail >= 75 years – an open label randomize... not-yet-due
Other 2019-001440-22 Phase 2, multicenter, randomized, open-label, controlled, 2-arm cross-over study to evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of a renin inhibitor, aliskiren, compared to an angiotensin converting enz... not-yet-due
Other 2021-000087-30 Neoadjuvant and postoperative treatment with dabrafenib and trametinib for papillary craniopharyngioma Neoadjuvant och postoperativ behandling med dabrafenib och trametinib vid papillärt kraniofar... not-yet-due
Completed, but no date 2021-000880-63 COVID-19 vaccine in patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases: The impact of immunomodulating treatments on the antibody response, T cells response and protection against infection (COVID19-REUMA)... bad-data