These trials completed more than 12 months ago and should have reported results. Some have, some have not.

These trials are not yet due to report results: some are ongoing, some completed within the past 12 months.

These trials have problematic data on the registry. Details why »

Status Trial ID Title Completion date Category
Completed, but no date 2004-004115-38 Interstitial Fibrosis in Protocol Biopsies of Renal Allografts: A prospective, randomised trial of Sirolimus versus Cyclosporine. bad-data
Not reported 2005-005874-65 Non-invasive monitoring of airway inflammation in asthmatic patients during adaptation of inhaled steroid therapy 2013-01-01 due-trials
Not reported 2007-003946-13 Double blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, two-way crossover, pilot study to assess the effect of high dose N acetylcysteine on small airways and on inflammation and oxidative stress in COPD patien... 2011-11-01 due-trials
Completed, but no date 2007-005844-26 Multicentre, prospective, randomized, open-label, controlled study in de novo kidney transplant recipients to evaluate the impact of cyclosporine or steroid withdrawal at 3 months on graft function, p... bad-data
Completed, but no date 2008-000609-12 Open, randomized, two-way crossover, pilot study to assess the effect of Salbutamol in comparison with Ipratropium bromide on central and peripheral airway dimensions in COPD patients bad-data
Not reported 2008-002135-33 Is it possible to detect a fibrotic focus in a carcinoma with MR mammography with Gadovist 1.0 followed by core biopsy? 2008-12-12 due-trials
Completed, but no date 2008-002391-97 Open-label, prospective study to assess the effects of formoterol and beclometasone dipropionate combination therapy on central and peripheral airway dimensions in asthmatic patients bad-data
Completed, but no date 2008-003287-18 Functional consequences of decreased RNA expression of certain GABA(A) receptor subunits in fragile X patients using Positron Emission Tomography and [11C]flumazenil. bad-data
Not reported 2008-006837-28 Double blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, two-way crossover, pilot study to assess the effect of high dose N-acetylcysteine on small airways and on inflammation and oxidative stress in COPD patien... 2011-04-27 due-trials
Not reported 2009-015415-41 Lidocaine patches in postoperative and posttraumatic neuropathic chronic skin pain - A prospective, randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, parrallel, multicentre, investigator initiated study... 2015-01-01 due-trials
Completed, but no date 2009-015720-28 Therapeutic efficacy of Wilms tumor gene (WT1) mRNA-electroporated autologous dendritic cell vaccination in patients with myeloid malignancies and multiple myeloma: a phase II trial. bad-data
Not reported 2009-016502-16 A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, two way cross-over study to assess the particle deposition and acute effects of formoterol and budesonide combination therapy (Symbicort® forte Turbohal... 2010-11-08 due-trials
Not reported 2009-017943-32 Study of the combination of gemcitabine, cetuximab and radiotherapy in patients with head and neck cancer 2013-04-01 due-trials
Not reported 2010-019864-36 Open-label, prospective exploratory study to assess the effects of formoterol and beclometasone dipropionate combination therapy on central and peripheral airway dimensions in COPD patients. 2012-02-10 due-trials
Not reported 2010-020698-17 Study of the vascular wall with functional imaging in OSA patients. 2011-02-28 due-trials
Not reported 2010-021665-68 Comparison of Slow Efficiency dialysis (SLEDD) with Unfractionated Heparin versus Citrasate in Critically Ill Patients 2012-01-01 due-trials
Not reported 2010-023976-16 Maternal antibodies against pertussis in neonates . 2017-07-07 due-trials
Exempt 2011-000547-24 Therapeutic efficacy of Wilms' tumor gene (WT1) mRNA-electroporated autologous dendritic cell vaccination in patients with solid tumors: a phase I/feasibility study not-yet-due
Ongoing 2011-002684-25 Efficacy and safety of a 4 year pubertal therapy with growth hormone (somatropine Omnitrope) or an aromatase inhibitor (letrozole Femara) or the combination of both in boys with a short predicted heig... not-yet-due
Ongoing 2011-004114-42 Fenfluramine as anti-epilepticum in Dravet syndrome. Fenfluramine als anti-epilepticum bij Dravet syndroom. not-yet-due
Other 2012-001494-91 Wilms’ tumor (WT1) antigen-targeted dendritic cell vaccination to prevent relapse in adult patients with acute myeloid leukemia: a multicenter randomized phase II trial Wilms’ tumor (WT1) antigeng... not-yet-due
Exempt 2012-005575-13 Prophylactic vaccination with autologous dendritic cells against human cytomegalovirus: a pilot study in patients awaiting kidney transplantation 2024-12-05 not-yet-due
Ongoing 2013-001926-25 Sugammadex and the diaphragm: recovery of diaphragmatic function and neuromuscular blockade not-yet-due
Completed, report not yet due 2013-004247-24 Translational stem cell research in ophthalmology - regenerating the anterior cornea through standardized transplantation of limbal epithelial stem cells: a phase II multicenter trial Translationee... 2024-04-22 not-yet-due
Reported results 2014-000251-89 A controlled double-blind crossover trial of ganaxolone in children with fragile X syndrome 2015-11-15 due-trials
Not reported 2014-000543-33 An open-label, randomized, controlled, multi-center, Phase II trial comparing Panitumumab versus Bevacizumab in combination with oxaliplatin - 5 FU (FOLFOX) first-line treatment according Ras Wil... 2020-05-18 due-trials
Other 2014-001098-15 Adjuvant dendritic-cell immunotherapy plus temozolomide following surgery and chemoradiation in patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma Adjuvante dendritische cel immuuntherapie plus temozolomid... not-yet-due
Other 2014-001099-75 First-line immunotherapy using Wilms’ tumor protein 1 (WT1)-targeted dendritic cell vaccinations for malignant pleural mesothelioma. Eerstelijns immuuntherapie met Wilms’ tumor 1 (WT1)-geladen dend... not-yet-due
Completed, but no date, and reported results 2015-003324-32 A Phase 4 study to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of trivalent oral polio vaccine in adults previously vaccinated with oral polio vaccine bad-data
Completed, but no date, and reported results 2015-003325-33 A Phase 4 study to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of monovalent oral polio vaccine type 2 in healthy OPV-vaccinated adults bad-data
Reported results Terminated 2016-000215-32 Effect of Pycnogenol® on Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): A randomized, double blind, placebo and active product controlled multicenter trial. Effect van Pycnogenol® op Aandachtstek... 2020-11-20 due-trials
Not reported 2016-001846-24 Metabolism of Isotonic versus Hypotonic Maintenance Solutions in fasting healthy Adults (MIHMoSA), a Single-Blind Randomized Crossover Trial 2017-05-15 due-trials
Other 2017-001397-41 A Phase III double-blind placebo-controlled Randomised Trial of Aspirin on Recurrence and Survival in Colon Cancer Patients De rol van aspirine op de overleving van patiënten met dikkedarmkanker; e... not-yet-due
Ongoing 2017-004877-15 Randomised phase II trial of definitive radiotherapy with or without metformin in patients with inoperable stage III non-small cell lung cancer not-yet-due
Completed, but no date, and reported results 2018-001573-24 Functional Respiratory Imaging (FRI) to assess the short-term effect of the product ORKAMBI (lumacaftor/ ivacaftor) on lung function in ORKAMBI-naive patients with Cystic Fibrosis Homozygous for Phe50... bad-data
Reported results 2018-001684-22 A Phase 2, partial blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, multicenter study to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of two novel live attenuated serotype 2 oral poliovirus vaccines candidates, in he... 2019-05-08 due-trials
Not reported 2018-003617-17 Efficacy, patient acceptability and safety of topical treatment versus systemic treatment: a randomized, multicenter, comparative pragmatic trial in adult patients suffering from diverse localized neu... 2021-04-19 due-trials
Ongoing 2019-000134-18 Metformin as RenoProtector in Non-Diabetic Patients with Progressive Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD stages 2, 3A and 3B): a multi-centre, practice-oriented, repurposing, double-blind, placebo-controlle... not-yet-due
Other 2020-002135-30 Live birth after additional tubal flushing with oil-based contrast versus no additional flushing: a randomised, multicentre, parallel group pragmatic trial in infertile women with at least one patent ... not-yet-due
Completed, report not yet due 2020-003466-39 Pertussis immunization during pregnancy: assessment of the role of maternal antibodies on immune responses in term and preterm infants (the MAMA study) 2024-09-30 not-yet-due
Exempt 2020-004124-42 First-in-human interleukin-15-transpresenting Wilms’ tumor protein 1-targeting autologous dendritic cell vaccination in cancer patients First-in-human studie met interleukine-15-transpresenterende ... not-yet-due
Exempt 2020-004125-23 Adjuvant dendritic cell immunotherapy complementing conventional therapy for pediatric patients with high-grade glioma and diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma Adjuvante immuuntherapie met dendritisch... not-yet-due
Ongoing 2021-000300-38 Vaccination against cOvid-19 In CancER patients under active treatment (Belgium, B-VOICE) not-yet-due
Completed, report not yet due 2021-000440-22 Vaccination against COVID-19 in Pregnant and Lactating Women in Belgium 2024-11-29 not-yet-due
Other 2021-000938-34 Single blind randomized controlled trial to assess the safety and efficacy of high dose pulse intravenous corticosteroid therapy to treat patients with complicated/fulminant acute myocarditis not-yet-due
Ongoing 2021-001003-32 Controlled Interruption of Nucleos(t)ide Analogue Treatment in Chronic Hepatitis B Infections Gecontroleerd staken van antivirale behandelingen in chronische hepatitis B infecties not-yet-due
Not reported 2021-001993-52 Assessment of the immunogenicity and safety of marketed vaccines for COVID-19 after regular schedule and adapted vaccine schedules and routes: BNT162b2 (Comirnaty®; Pfizer-BioNTech), mRNA-1273 Vaccine... 2022-07-08 due-trials
Exempt 2021-003229-31 Integration of the PD-L1 inhibitor atezolizumab and WT1/DC vaccination into platinum/pemetrexed-based first-line treatment for epithelioid malignant pleural mesothelioma Toevoeging van de PD-L1 inh... not-yet-due
Not reported 2021-003307-18 Immunogenicity, molecular profiling and safety of a marketed quadrivalent influenza vaccine (Vaxigrip Tetra®) administered by the intramuscular route in participants 60 years of age and older 2022-02-02 due-trials
Ongoing 2021-003573-58 Vaccination against cOvid-19 In CancEr: booster shot BNT161b2 vaccine after full vaccination with ChAdOx1-S vaccine (Tri-VOICE plus) not-yet-due
Other 2021-005194-77 The optimal timing of vaccination in pregnancy: a multi-dimensional mechanistic approach to measure immune responses in pregnant women not-yet-due
Other 2022-003465-38 A controlled phase II clinical trial evaluating the safety and efficacy of myelin peptide-loaded tolDC as treatment for multiple sclerosis not-yet-due