These trials completed more than 12 months ago and should have reported results. Some have, some have not.

These trials are not yet due to report results: some are ongoing, some completed within the past 12 months.

These trials have problematic data on the registry. Details why »

Status Trial ID Title Completion date Category
Ongoing 2005-000223-42 Effects of ziprasidone vs. placebo during the first four weeks of eight weeks sertraline treatment in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) not-yet-due
Ongoing 2005-001069-32 A prospective 8 weeks acute phase-IV study investigating efficacy, safety and tolerability of Quetiapine fumarate in 60 drug-naïve first-episode psychosis patients aged 18 to 35 years not-yet-due
Reported results 2005-001207-19 Randomized multicenter open label trial comparing the efficacy and safety of 48 versus 72 weeks of Peginterferon-alfa-2a plus daily Ribavirin and Amantadinsulfat in patients with chronic Hepatitis C i... 2008-12-16 due-trials
Exempt, with results 2005-003026-26 High-dose chemotherapy with transplantation of gene-modified haematopoietic stem cells for HIV-positive patients with malignant diseases indicating an HSCT not-yet-due
Reported results 2005-005154-44 OPERA: OXALIPLATIN AND CETUXIMAB IN FIRST-LINE TREATMENT OF mCRC Open, non-controlled, multicenter phase II study evaluating 5-FU/FA plus oxaliplatin (FOLFOX-4) plus cetuximab as first-line treatment ... 2008-09-19 due-trials
Reported results 2005-005719-83 Prophylaxis of chronic graft-versus-host disease (cGvHD) with or without anti-T-lymphocyte-globulin (ATG Fresenius) prior allogeneic peripheral stem cell transplantation from HLA-identical siblings af... 2014-02-11 due-trials
Ongoing 2005-006113-40 Untersuchung der Modulation der Endothelfunktion durch Enoxaparin bei Patienten mit Koronarkrankheit. Bedeutung der Enoxaparin-vermittelten Dissoziation endothelial gebundener Oxidasen für die Regulat... not-yet-due
Reported results 2006-000001-27 Untersuchung der antiinflammatorischen Eigenschaften von Clopidogrel im Vergleich zu Acetylsalicylsäure bei Patienten mit chronischer ischämischer Kardiomyopathie 2009-03-31 due-trials
Ongoing 2006-000282-11 Clinical trial for the research into changes in renal function of adolescent and adult patients with Glycogen storage disease type Ia. not-yet-due
Reported results 2006-004667-61 Prospective open-labeled non randomized Phase-II study of SU011248 (Sunitinib) in male patients with relapsed or cisplatin-refractory germ cell cancer - A CUOG/GTCSG cooperative phase II study 2009-07-24 due-trials
Reported results Terminated 2006-005034-20 Doppelblinde, prospektiv-randomisierte, intraindividuell-halbseitenvergleichende Studie zur klinischen Wirksamkeit von Verrumal® Lsg. bei aktinischen Keratosen gegen Vehikel: Investigator-initiierte “... 2009-11-03 due-trials
Reported results 2007-001962-34 Klassische Konditionierung immunologischer Reaktionen bei Patienten mit Multipler Sklerose während Mitoxantrontherapie 2008-12-31 due-trials
Exempt, with results 2007-003784-42 Dose-finding study of lenalidomide as maintenance therapy in multiple myeloma after allogeneic stem cell transplantation 2013-04-30 not-yet-due
Reported results 2007-004928-21 Autologous-Allogeneic Tandem Stem Cell Transplantation and Maintenance Therapy with Thalidomide / DLI for patients with Multiple Myeloma (MM) and age <= 60 years: A phase II-study 2018-04-17 due-trials
Not reported 2007-007489-39 Effects of the oral monophasic contraceptive pill CG 5025 (Belara/0,03 mg etinyl estradiol and 2 mg chlormadinonacetate) on the cosmetic hairquality in women wishing to use hormonal contraception 2008-12-01 due-trials
Exempt 2007-007553-31 Phase I/II Clinical Study of SU11248 (Sutent) combined with Standard Chemotherapy with Cytosine Arabinoside and Daunorubicin in Patients with FLT3 mutated AML over 60 years of age 2013-07-30 not-yet-due
Reported results Terminated 2009-012200-98 Open-label, prospective, randomized, parallel group study investigating a CNI-low dose regimen with Sandimmun® Optoral and Certican® in comparison to standard immunosuppressive therapy in renal transp... 2012-09-12 due-trials
Completed, report not yet due 2009-012758-18 A randomized multi-center treatment study (COALL 08-09) to improve the survival of children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia on behalf of the German Society of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology 2024-11-20 not-yet-due
Reported results 2010-018467-42 Comparison between 5 – azacytidine treatment and 5 – azacytidine followed by allogeneic stem cell transplantation in elderly patients with advanced MDS according to donor availability Vergleich zwi... 2019-01-31 due-trials
Reported results Terminated 2010-022413-26 Immediate versus deferred antiretroviral therapy in HIV-infected patients presenting with acute AIDS-defining events (IDEAL-Study) 2015-04-28 due-trials
Reported results Terminated 2010-024164-18 Single-arm, open-label, monocentric Phase II study evaluating the efficacy and safety of BIBW 2992 (Afatinib) for the treatment of patients with HER2-positive, hormone-refractory prostate cancer after... 2012-11-08 due-trials
Reported results Terminated 2011-003614-17 Pretreatment of patients expecting bariatric surgery with GLP-1 analog Liraglutide 2016-04-01 due-trials
Reported results 2011-004847-35 Treatment of newly diagnosed moderate or severe chronic graft-versus-host disease with prednisone and everolimus (PredEver first) - A prospective multicenterphase IIA study - 2018-02-07 due-trials
Reported results Terminated 2011-005296-16 Capecitabine and bevacizumab with radiotherapy after 3-6 months chemotherapy for patients with oligometastatic colorectal cancer (OLGA trial) 2014-10-10 due-trials
Reported results 2011-005906-32 Efficacy and safety of MRI-based thrombolysis in wake-up stroke: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial 2017-10-31 due-trials
Reported results Terminated 2012-003669-17 Sequential neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy (CRT) followed by curative surgery vs. primary surgery alone for resectable, non-metastasized pancreatic adenocarcinoma (NEOPA). 2017-03-02 due-trials
Reported results Terminated 2012-004807-10 Relapse Escalation treatment trial in Optic Neuritis (RESCON): Multi-centre RCT to study the efficacy of plasma exchange (PE) as an escalation treatment strategy in steroid-unresponsive Optic Neuritis 2016-06-01 due-trials
Ongoing 2012-005078-70 Adjuvant chemotherapy with gemcitabine and cisplatin compared to observation after curative intent resection of cholangiocarcinoma and muscle invasive gallbladder carcinoma (ACTICCA-1 trial) A random... not-yet-due
Reported results 2012-005254-30 Multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled trial of 2 mg melatonin for circadian phase adjustment and improvement of metabolic control in night shift workers 2017-03-07 due-trials
Reported results 2013-000030-35 Reduction of Ischemic Myocardium with Ranolazine-Treatment in patients with acute myocardial Ischemia – RIMINI-Pilot-Trial 2015-06-05 due-trials
Completed, report not yet due 2014-005210-28 Ruxolitinib versus allogeneic stem cell transplantation for patients with myelofibrosis according to donor availability: A prospective phase II trial (MMM 02 study) Ruxolitinib Behandlung versus al... 2024-07-10 not-yet-due
Reported results 2015-002935-16 Single centre, open-label, randomized, controlled, cross over study to evaluate the pharmacokinetic and bioavailability of Envarsus® in comparison to Advagraf® in de novo liver transplant recipients 2019-04-01 due-trials
Reported results Terminated 2015-005744-34 Randomized, Double-Blinded, Controlled Trial of Intravenous Iron in Patients With Cardiovascular Disease and Concomitant Iron Deficiency Eine multizentrische, prospektive, randomisierte, kontrollie... 2021-12-15 due-trials
Completed, report not yet due 2016-000068-40 Intravenous iron in patients with systolic heart failure and iron deficiency to improve morbidity & mortality 2024-05-02 not-yet-due
Other 2016-000432-17 A Clinical Phase II, multicenter, Open-label study evaluating iNduction, consolidation and maintenance treatment with Isatuximab (SAR650984), Carfilzomib, LEnalidomide and Dexamethasone (I-KRd) in Pri... not-yet-due
Reported results Terminated 2016-000433-51 DAratumumab iN combination with BorTEzomib and Dexamethasone in subjects with relapsed or relapsed and refractory Multiple Myeloma and severe renal impairment including subjects undergoing hemodialysi... 2021-06-22 due-trials
Reported results Terminated 2016-001166-29 A randomised controlled trial to compare ocrelizumab or alemtuzumab with autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (aHSCT) in high inflammatory multiple sclerosis (COAST) Eine randomisiert... 2022-02-04 due-trials
Completed, report not yet due 2016-002163-34 Comparative Effectiveness Trial of Transoral Head and Neck Surgery followed by adjuvant Radio(chemo)therapy versus primary Radiochemotherapy for Oropharyngeal Cancer (TopROC) 2024-02-20 not-yet-due
Not reported 2016-002557-38 Cyclophosphamide as graft-versus-host prophylaxis after allogeneic stem cell transplantation for multiple myeloma. A phase II study. 2022-12-01 due-trials
Reported results Terminated 2016-003738-25 A 28-week, multi-center randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to evaluate the potential of Dapagliflozin plus Exenatide in combination with high-dose intensive insulin therapy compared to... 2019-06-18 due-trials
Completed, report not yet due 2016-004758-13 Multicenter randomized controlled study of nivolumab alone or in combination with ipilimumab as immunotherapy vs standard follow-up in surgical resectable HNSCC after adjuvant therapy (IMSTAR HN) 2024-11-30 not-yet-due
Ongoing 2017-001479-22 Individualized perioperative hemodynamic goal-directed therapy in major abdominal surgery (iPEGASUS-trial) Terapia hemodinámica individualizada perioperatoria dirigida por objetivos en cirugía mayo... not-yet-due
Ongoing 2017-002331-41 Matched Unrelated vs. Haploidentical Donor for Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation in Patients with Acute Leukemia with Identical GVHD Prophylaxis – A Randomized Prospective European Trial Passend... not-yet-due
Completed, report not yet due 2017-003311-19 Phase IIa proof-of-principle study for the induction treatment of autoimmune hepatitis using infliximab AIH-MAB Phase IIa proof-of-principle Studie zur Wirksamkeit von Infliximab in der Induktion... 2024-01-23 not-yet-due
Reported results 2018-002824-17 Placebo-controlled, double-blind, randomized trial to assess the efficacy and safety of Adrecizumab in subjects with cardiogenic shock Eine placebokontrollierte, doppelblinde, randomisierte Studie ... 2021-04-26 due-trials
Completed, report not yet due 2019-000894-22 Phase II multicenter study of extracorporeal photopheresis with UvadexTM plus standard steroid treatment for high risk acute Graft-versus-Host Disease Multizentrische Phase II Studie zur Behandlung... 2024-06-24 not-yet-due
Reported results Terminated 2019-002833-12 Investigator-initiated, placebo-controlled, randomized trial to assess the efficacy and safety of platelet inhibition and/ or lipid lowering in non-ACS-patients with elevated high-sensitivity troponin... 2022-04-07 due-trials
Other 2019-005008-16 Stop of proton-pump inhibitor treatment in patients with liver cirrhosis – a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial Absetzen einer Therapie mit Protonenpumpeninhibitoren bei Patienten mit Leberzirr... not-yet-due
Not reported 2020-001318-39 Skin perception after intradermal application of IncobotulinumtoxinA within upper and midface (Interventional Phase II) 2022-05-01 due-trials
Not reported 2020-001336-10 Multicenter, randomized, double-blind, biomarker-guided, phase II trial with Adrecizumab (HAM 8101) to improve proGNosis and outcomES in patients with moderate to severe covid-19 - Adrecizumab (HAM810... 2023-08-25 due-trials
Reported results Terminated 2020-002504-39 Hamburg Edoxaban foR anticoagulation in COvid-19 study Eine klinische Studie zur Evaluation der Wirksamkeit Edoxaban zur Gerinnungshemmung bei Patienten mit COVID-19 2022-09-22 due-trials
Exempt 2021-000548-23 A multi-center, phase Ib trial to assess the safety, tolerability and immunogenicity of the candidate vaccine MVA-SARS-2-ST in adults 2022-11-02 not-yet-due
Other 2021-001005-67 Allogeneic stem cell transplantation vs. conventional therapy as salvage therapy for relapsed / progressed patients with multiple myeloma after first-line therapy (AlloRelapseMMStudy) Allogene Stam... not-yet-due
Exempt 2021-001413-37 Combination treatment of Belantamab Mafodotin and Venetoclax in treatment of relapsed and refractory t(11;14) Multiple Myeloma (Phase I/IIa) The BELI(E)VE-Trial not-yet-due