All clinical trials on the European Union Clinical Trials Register (EUCTR) must report their results in the registry within a year of completion. This site tracks who's doing this and who isn't. Learn more »
These trials completed more than 12 months ago and should have reported results. Some have, some have not.
These trials are not yet due to report results: some are ongoing, some completed within the past 12 months.
These trials have problematic data on the registry. Details why »
Status | Trial ID | Title | Completion date | Category |
Ongoing | 2005-000490-21 | Simultaneous Study of Gemcitabine-Docetaxel Combination adjuvant treatment, as well as Extended Bisphosphonate and Surveillance-Trial SUCCESS-Trial | not-yet-due | |
Not reported | 2005-000752-32 | Medical treatment of Menière’s disease with betahistine: a placebo-controlled, dose-finding study | 2013-11-05 | due-trials |
Ongoing | 2005-003762-41 | Diffusionstensorgewichtete MRT bei der Alzheimer Krankheit: Prädiktion und Darstellung von symptomatischen und krankheitsmodifizierenden Behandlungseffekten von Galantamin (Reminyl®) | not-yet-due | |
Ongoing | 2005-003855-11 | Gemcitabine and cisplatin in combination with hyperthermia in patients with locally advanced or metastatic pancreatic cancer as second-line therapy after adjuvant or first-line chemotherapy with Gemci... | not-yet-due | |
Reported results | 2005-004325-25 | Comprehensive whole-body 3T MRA of Patients with Low or Moderate Clinical Probability for Pulmonary Embolism using an Intravascular MR Contrast Agent Vasovist® | 2007-09-18 | due-trials |
Not reported Terminated | 2005-004378-25 | A randomized, double-blinded, multicentric phase II trial to optimize the treatment of the hormon refractory prostatic carcinoma in patients without preceding chemotherapy with Sorafenib + Docetaxel +... | 2009-05-11 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2005-004406-93 | Photodynamische Diagnostik mit 5-Aminolävulinsäure zur Beurteilung der intraoperativen Absetzungsränder im Rahmen der radikalen Prostatovesikulektomie bei Patienten mit einem Prostatakarzinom | 2008-07-31 | due-trials |
Ongoing | 2005-004427-19 | Health-related quality of life (QoL) and psychological well-being after withdrawal from hormone therapy (HT). A randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trial. | not-yet-due | |
Reported results Terminated | 2005-004468-22 | HEAD-TO-HEAD evaluation of the antiepileptic drugs Levetiracetam (LEV) vs. Sulthiame (STM) in a German multi-centre, doubleblind controlled trial in children with benign epilepsy with centro-temporal ... | 2008-07-01 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2005-004501-28 | Study to compare the efficacy of ziprasidone (Zeldox) and aripiprazole (Abilify) on cognitive functioning and quality of sleep in the treatment of schizophrenic patients | 2013-02-22 | due-trials |
Not reported | 2005-004532-43 | Treatment of extraesophageal manifestations of laryngopharyngeal reflux with Nexium (esomeprazole) 20mg bid, a doubleblind placebo controlled study | 2007-11-26 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2005-005144-62 | Efficacy and safety of Rituximab, high-dose ARA-C and Dexamethasone (R-HAD) alone or in combination with Bortezomib in patients with relapsed or refractory mantle cell lymphoma A randomized Phase III... | 2020-04-02 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2005-005473-29 | Randomisierte Phase III-Studie zur Primärtherapie von fortgeschrittenen follikulären Lymphomen bei älteren Patienten (>65 J.) und jüngeren Patienten, die nicht für eine Hochdosistherapie mit autologer... | 2013-03-20 | due-trials |
Exempt Terminated | 2005-005862-36 | Prospectively Randomized Phase I/II Trial of Liposomal-encapsulated Doxorubicin and Cisplatin +/- Locoregional Hyperthermia in patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer | 2013-12-31 | not-yet-due |
Reported results | 2006-002639-26 | Treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection with high dose esomeprazole, amoxicillin and metronidazole in pediatric patients infected with double resistant Helicobacter pylori strains | 2010-03-01 | due-trials |
Ongoing, reported early | 2006-003567-31 | Regulation of Inflammatory Parameters by Telmisartan in Hypertensive Patients | not-yet-due | |
Reported results | 2006-004030-32 | Randomised study for efficiency of FOLFIRI in combination with Cetuximab vs. Bevacizumab in first-line-therapy of metastatic colorectal cancer Randomisierte Studie zur Wirksamkeit von FOLFIRI in K... | 2017-11-21 | due-trials |
Ongoing | 2006-004698-86 | Untersuchung der analgetischen Wirkung der AKupunktur bei Patienten mit Herpes zoster im Vergleich mit einer medikamentösen Standardtherapie- Comparison of acupuncture treatment to medical standard th... | not-yet-due | |
Reported results | 2007-000088-12 | A prospective, single-blinded (rater-blinded), randomized, parallel group study of the efficacy of Quetiapine XR in the treatment of patients with Acute Stress Disorder (DSM-VI 308.3) | 2012-12-31 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2007-001094-29 | Simultaneous Study of Gemcitabine-Docetaxel Combination adjuvant treatment, as well as Biological Targeted Treatment SUCCESS B-Trial | 2015-03-15 | due-trials |
Not reported | 2007-003103-12 | A Randomized, Risk and Age Adapted Comparison of the Dose-Dense Regimen S-HAM (sequential high dose cytosine arabinoside and mitoxantrone) versus Standard Double Induction for Initial Chemotherapy of ... | 2017-07-05 | due-trials |
Completed, but no date, and reported results | 2007-003634-42 | Prospective phase II trial using Capecitabine and Trastuzumab for therapy of female patients with cerebral metastasizing, HER2-overexpressing breast cancer | bad-data | |
Ongoing | 2007-004857-27 | Ventral striatal function in patients with schizophrenia before and under medication with atypical antipsychotics: a comparison of sertindole and risperidone | not-yet-due | |
Reported results | 2007-005585-12 | Prospektive, offene Studie zur Prüfung der Wirksamkeit der zusätzlichen Gabe des Somatostatinanalogon Octreotid (Sandostatin) bzw. des Dopaminagonisten Cabergolin (Dostinex) bei Patientin mit Akromega... | 2008-03-28 | due-trials |
Ongoing | 2007-007805-58 | The effect of sitagliptin on postprandial lipoprotein metabolism in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 | not-yet-due | |
Reported results Terminated | 2008-000678-19 | Feasibility and efficacy of Lenalidomide maintenance after salvage immuno-chemotherapy induction in relapsed or refractory mantle cell lymphoma - a phase II study of the European MCL Network | 2011-02-03 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2008-002090-12 | Effect of Iloprost inhalation before and during extracorporeal circulation (ECC) on perioperative morbidity and outcome in high risk cardiac surgical patients | 2012-03-08 | due-trials |
Not reported Terminated | 2008-004802-14 | A randomized two-armed open study on the adjuvant therapy in patients with R0/R1 resected pancreatic carcinoma with Gemcitabine plus Capecitabine (Arm GC) vs. Gemcitabine plus Cisplatin with regional ... | 2022-03-01 | due-trials |
Ongoing | 2008-004926-18 | Comparison of the human TNF-alpha antibody adalimumab with infliximab in induction and maintenance of steroid-free remission in patients with moderate to severe Crohn’s disease | not-yet-due | |
Not reported Terminated | 2008-007520-26 | A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel Group Study to assess the Efficacy, Tolerability and Safety of Rasagiline in Subjects with Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (Phase III) | 2012-06-14 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2008-007546-56 | A Phase II Multicentre Study of perioperative Chemotherapy for resectable Adenocarcinoma of the Gastroesophageal Junction and of the Stomach | 2014-07-01 | due-trials |
Not reported Terminated | 2009-010727-91 | Colesevelam for the treatment of bile acid malabsorption in patients with Crohn’s disease (Colesevelam für die Therapie der Gallensäuren-Malabsorption bei M. Crohn-Patienten) | 2013-02-28 | due-trials |
Ongoing | 2009-011911-19 | Impact of quetiapine prolong and escitalopram on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA)-axis activity in depressed patients | not-yet-due | |
Reported results | 2009-011990-34 | Cytokines and Inflammatory Marker during Therapy in Major Depression with Celecoxib | 2013-12-31 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2009-013099-38 | Sequential first-line therapy in metastatic colorectal cancer with Capecitabine/FUFA, Irinotecan and Bevacizumab - Capecitabine/FUFA plus Bevacizumab versus Capecitabine/FUFA plus Irinotecan plus Bev... | 2019-06-26 | due-trials |
Reported results Terminated | 2009-013701-34 | Prophylactic treatment of vestibular migraine with metoprolol: a double-blind, placebo- controlled trial | 2018-01-03 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2009-013702-14 | Effects of betahistine on central vestibular compensation in acute unilateral vestibular failure: a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial | 2016-06-10 | due-trials |
Not reported | 2010-018343-34 | Comparison of 6% Hydroxyethyl Starch and 5% Albumin for Volume Replacement Therapy in Patients Undergoing Cystectomy (CHART study) | 2015-05-13 | due-trials |
Reported results Terminated | 2010-019954-42 | Effect of Niacin/ Laropiprant on postprandial lipoprotein and glucose metabolism in patients with severe dyslipoproteinemia | 2013-01-18 | due-trials |
Not reported Terminated | 2010-021333-31 | Reduktion des Ischämie-Reperfusionsschadens durch ex-vivo Tacrolimus-Perfusion marginaler Organe vor Lebertransplantation (Tacrolimus-Organ-Perfusion TOP-Studie) | 2013-08-16 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2010-021526-36 | Dynamic and high-resolution MR angiography of the supraaortic vessels at 3 Tesla: Performance of Gadobutrol (Gadovist) in comparison to Gedobenate Dimeglumine (Multihance) and Gadoterate Meglumine (Do... | 2013-12-01 | due-trials |
Exempt, with results Terminated | 2010-022446-24 | Active immunotherapy of patients with acute myeloid leukemia using autologous dendritic cells transfected with RNA encoding leukemia-associated antigens | not-yet-due | |
Not reported | 2010-023671-26 | Panitumumab after Resection of Liver Metastases from Colorectal Cancer in RAS Wild-type Patients -PARLIM- Panitumumab nach Resektion von Lebermetastasen des kolorektalen Karzinoms bei Patienten mi... | 2022-10-27 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2010-024225-20 | The impact of phosphate balanced cristalloid infusion on acid-base homeostastis Auswirkungen einer balancierten Infusionslösung mit Phosphatzusatz auf den Säure-Basen-Haushalt | 2020-03-26 | due-trials |
Reported results Terminated | 2011-002539-24 | Effect of Mipomersen on LDL-Cholesterol Levels in Patients with Severe LDL-Hypercholesterolemia and Atherosclerosis Treated by Regular LDL-Apheresis | 2015-05-15 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2011-004063-77 | Gemcitabine in Combination with the Oral Irreversible ErbB Inhibitor Afatinib versus Gemcitabine Alone in Patients with Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer: an Explorative Randomized Phase II Trial Gemcit... | 2018-02-02 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2011-005471-17 | Phase II Study for the Evaluation of the Efficacy of Gemcitabine plus Erlotinib in Rash-positive Patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer and good risk factors Phase II Studie zur Bestimmung der ... | 2017-02-01 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2012-000928-18 | Double blind, randomised, prospective placebo controlled parallel group phase III study to investigate the Effect of EGCG supplementation on disease progression of patients with Multiple System Atroph... | 2016-09-16 | due-trials |
Not reported | 2012-005312-26 | Sustained release 4-aminopyridine (Fampyra®) in cerebellar gait disorder Retardiertes 4-Aminopyridin (Fampyra®) bei cerebellärer Gangstörung | 2016-11-02 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2013-000107-17 | Pharmacological therapy of episodic ataxia type 2: a placebo-controlled comparison of the efficacy of 4-aminopyridine sustained-release (Fampyra TM) and acetazolamide (Acemit TM) Pharmakologische ... | 2016-10-06 | due-trials |
Reported results Terminated | 2013-000522-58 | A randomized, double blind, phase II trial of pazopanib versus placebo as maintenance therapy in patients with retroperitoneal and visceral high-risk soft tissue sarcomas following prior- and/or adjuv... | 2016-07-29 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2013-001636-22 | A prospective, randomized, parallel-group, open label, non-inferiority, multicenter trial of a 12 month vs. a short-term platelet function testing guided prasugrel therapy in acute coronary syndrome p... | 2017-05-15 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2013-003689-15 | Stop exogenous allergic alveolitis (EAA) in childhood: healthy into adulthood – a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group study to evaluate prednisolone treatment and course of di... | 2020-06-04 | due-trials |
Listed as ongoing, but also has a completion date | 2013-003714-40 | Hydroxychloroquine in pediatric ILD START randomized controlled in parallel-group, then switch placebo to active drug, and STOP randomized controlled in parallel-group to evaluate the efficacy and saf... | 2020-09-09 | bad-data |
Reported results | 2013-004956-39 | Study to evaluate the impact of donor-specific HLA-antibodies on graft function and survival after renal transplantation - Long term follow up of the SMART study population Studie zur Einschätzung ... | 2016-05-18 | due-trials |
Other | 2014-001363-12 | Autologous Transplantation after a Rituximab/Ibrutinib/Ara-c containing iNduction in Generalized mantle cell Lymphoma – a randomized European MCL Network trial | not-yet-due | |
Reported results | 2014-001968-35 | Add-on spironolactone for the treatment of schizophrenia Evaluation der Effektivität der add-on Behandlung von Spironolacton bei Patienten mit einer Schizophrenie | 2020-08-11 | due-trials |
Not reported Terminated | 2014-002171-29 | Intensified Loading with Prasugrel versus Moderate Loading with Clopidogrel in PCI-treated Patients with Biomarker-Negative Angina pectoris. | 2018-11-30 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2014-002790-11 | Evaluation of additional peripheral panretinal LASER-treatment on recurrences of macular edema due to CRVO undergoing anti-VEGF treatment with ranibizumab Evaluierung eines „Treat-and-Extend“ Sche... | 2020-03-09 | due-trials |
Ongoing | 2014-003787-21 | Randomised study of the efficacy of cetuximab rechallenge in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (RAS wild-type) responding to first-line treatment with FOLFIRI plus cetuximab | not-yet-due | |
Ongoing | 2014-005164-15 | A prospective multicenter Phase 2 Study of the Chemotherapy-free Combination of the Bruton's Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor, PCI-32765 (Ibrutinib) in Combination with Obinutuzumab (GA 101) in Patients wit... | not-yet-due | |
Reported results Terminated | 2015-000388-15 | Prophylactic treatment of vestibular paroxysmia with carbamazepine: a prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled, cross-over, multi-center trial Therapie der Vestibularisparoxysmie mit Carbamazepi... | 2019-02-27 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2015-000460-34 | Effects of Acetyl-DL-Leucine on cerebellar ataxia - a multinational, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, 2-way crossover phase III trial (ALCAT) Wirksamkeit von Acetyl-DL-Le... | 2017-07-07 | due-trials |
Reported results | 2015-002465-28 | Anti-donor alloreactivity-guided CNI minimization versus unguided standard triple therapy in living-donor kidney transplantation Immunmonitoring-gestützte Minimierung einer Calcineurin-Inhibitor ba... | 2021-02-05 | due-trials |
Completed, but no date, and reported results | 2015-003395-72 | Vitamin D in secondary prevention of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo: a prospective, multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study (VitD@BPPV) Sekundärprophylaxe des benigne... | bad-data | |
Not reported | 2015-004849-11 | Randomised study to investigate FOLFOXIRI plus cetuximab or FOLFOXIRI plus bevacizumab as first-line treatment of BRAF-mutated metastatic colorectal cancer (FIRE-4.5) Randomisierte Studie zur Unter... | 2023-12-15 | due-trials |
Completed, but no date, and reported results | 2015-005566-33 | APixaban versus PhenpRocoumon: Oral AntiCoagulation plus antiplatelet tHerapy in patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome and Atrial Fibrillation (APPROACH-ACS-AF) Apixaban versus Phenprocoumon: Oral... | bad-data | |
Not reported | 2016-000755-27 | FIRST LINE THERAPY OF ADVANCED STAGE FOLLICULAR LYMPHOMA IN PATIENTS < 60 YEARS NOT ELIGIBLE FOR STANDARD IMMUNOCHEMOTHERAPY AND ALL PATIENTS ≥ 60 YEARS Prospective randomized evaluation of single age... | 2022-12-31 | due-trials |
Listed as ongoing, but also has a completion date | 2016-002920-10 | TREAT-SVDs: EffecTs of Amlodipine and other Blood PREssure Lowering Agents on Microvascular FuncTion in Small Vessel Diseases Effecten van amlodipine en andere bloeddrukverlagende middelen op de m... | 2022-12-21 | bad-data |
Reported results Terminated | 2017-001357-14 | Randomized, doubleblind, 4-arms, monocentric, interventinal Study for enhancing the efficacy of tDCS across from single intervention or Placebo by nicotinergic stimulation in schizophrenia. Random... | 2021-10-21 | due-trials |
Not reported Terminated | 2017-002314-31 | Phase 2 Study Evaluating the Safety, Tolerability and Efficacy of Allogeneic Donor Lymphocyte Infusions Combined with Blinatumomab in Patients with Treatment-Resistant Mixed Chimerism or Minimal Resid... | 2020-07-06 | due-trials |
Completed, report not yet due | 2017-003496-54 | A multicenter randomized phase II study to determine the optimal first-line chemotherapy regimen in patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer (FOOTPATH) Eine randomisierte Multicenterstudie der Ph... | 2024-10-24 | not-yet-due |
Other | 2018-000853-29 | Treatment of chemo-refractory viral infections after allogeneic stem cell transplantation with multispecific T cells against CMV, EBV and AdV: A phase III, prospective, multicentre clinical trial | not-yet-due | |
Not reported | 2018-002010-12 | Avelumab added to FOLFIRI plus Cetuximab followed by Avelumab maintenance in patients with previously untreated RAS/BRAF wild-type metastatic colorectal cancer - The phase II FIRE-6-Avelumab study | 2023-08-07 | due-trials |
Other | 2018-002939-21 | An Open-Label Phase II Study of Relatlimab (BMS-986016) with Nivolumab (BMS- 936558) in Combination with 5-Azacytidine for the Treatment of Patients with Refractory/Relapsed Acute Myeloid Leukemia and... | not-yet-due | |
Completed, report not yet due | 2018-004038-13 | A Prospective Multicenter Phase 2 Study of the Chemotherapy-Free Combination of the Intravenous Phosphatidylinositol-3-Kinase (PI3K) Inhibitor Copanlisib in Combination with Obinutuzumab in Patients w... | 2025-01-28 | not-yet-due |
Other | 2019-002430-36 | A randomized, 2-arm non-comparative phase II study on the efficacy of atezolizumab and Roche bevacizumab (Atezo/Bev) followed by on-demand selective TACE (sdTACE) upon detection of disease progression... | not-yet-due | |
Other | 2020-003925-42 | A randomized open-label phase II study on the effect of durvalumab and tremelimumab combined with personalized SIRT (p-SIRT), standard-dose SIRT (sd-SIRT) or immunotherapy followed by on-demand loco-r... | not-yet-due | |
Other | 2020-004748-27 | Escalated single platelet inhibition for one month plus direct oral anticoagulation in patients with atrial fibrillation and acute coronary syndrome undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention | not-yet-due | |
Other | 2021-000565-32 | PRIDE: A phase II a, open-label, multicenter study of radiochemotherapy with isotoxic dose escalation and protective VEGF inhibition using bevacizumab in the treatment of patients with first diagnosis... | not-yet-due | |
Other | 2021-005875-38 | A multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled TRial evaluating Immunosuppressive treatment in patients with chronic virus-Negative Inflammatory cardiomyopaThY (TRINITY trial) Eine mul... | not-yet-due | |
Other | 2022-000054-28 | Combining Clemastine and Aerobic Exercise to Treat Cognitive Dysfunction in Schizophrenia by Targeting Myelin Plasticity (OligoTreat) Die Behandlung der kognitiven Dysfunktion durch Verbesserung de... | not-yet-due | |
Other | 2023-000170-97 | A single dose of apixaban for the prevention of thrombotic events in the context of long-distance flights | not-yet-due |