These trials completed more than 12 months ago and should have reported results. Some have, some have not.

These trials are not yet due to report results: some are ongoing, some completed within the past 12 months.

These trials have problematic data on the registry. Details why »

Status Trial ID Title Completion date Category
Ongoing 2006-003584-31 The effect of atorvastatin on insulin sensitivity, glucose metabolism and hormonal and inflammatory parameters in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). not-yet-due
Completed, but no date Terminated 2006-003779-11 Treatment of phimosis with topical mometasonefuroate application bad-data
Reported results 2007-004984-23 Ehkäisylaastarin, ehkäisytabletin ja ehkäisyrenkaan vaikutukset hormonaalisiin, tulehduksellisiin ja aineenvaihdunnallisiin parametreihin hedelmällisessä iässä olevilla terveillä naisilla. 2013-08-26 due-trials
Completed, but no date Terminated 2007-005717-19 Lakritsin ja tiatsididiureetin yhteiskäytön vaikutus kaliumpitoisuuteen bad-data
Completed, but no date 2008-001368-35 Efficacy and Safety of Targeting Lower Arterial Oxygen Saturations to Reduce Oxygen Toxicity and Oxidative Stress in Very Preterm Infants bad-data
Reported results 2008-005351-14 Efficacy of zoledronic acid 5 mg for chronic low back pain due to Modic changes 2012-03-19 due-trials
Completed, but no date Terminated 2009-010164-42 Ahtaan esinahan (fimoosin) hoito 0.1 % mometasonifuroaattivoiteella yli 6-v pojilla bad-data
Reported results 2009-012203-26 Efficacy and Safety of Inhaled Budesonide in Very Preterm Infants at Risk for Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia 2016-07-31 due-trials
Completed, but no date, and reported results 2009-013704-31 PXR-agonisti rifampisiinin vaikutukset glukoosi-, lipidi- ja hormonihomeostaasiin bad-data
Not reported Terminated 2010-022318-22 Tsoledronaatti hoito paikallista kiihtynyttä luunvaihdunta- oireyhtymää sairastavilla potilailla 2019-09-24 due-trials
Reported results 2010-023662-47 PXR-aktivaation vaikutukset sokeri-, kolesteroli- ja hormonitasapainoon 2011-10-31 due-trials
Reported results 2011-005522-22 The effects of PXR activation on blood pressure regulation PXR-aktivaation vaikutus verenpaineen säätelyyn 2013-12-31 due-trials
Not reported 2012-002093-31 Diagnosis community-acquired pneumonia in emergency unit Kotialkuisen keuhkokuumeen diagnoosi vastaanotolla 2012-01-11 due-trials
Reported results 2013-002049-13 Erlotinib treatment beyond progression in EGFR mutant or patients who have responded to EGFR TKI in stage IIIB/IV NSCLC 2016-12-31 due-trials
Reported results 2014-003422-41 The effects of PXR activation on hepatic fat content PXR-aktivaation vaikutus maksan rasvoittumiseen 2018-02-01 due-trials
Ongoing 2014-004295-28 Postoperative pain management after heart valve surgery using parasternal block and PCA Oxycodone Sydänläppäleikkauksen jälkeinen kivunhoito käyttäen parasternaalipuudutusta not-yet-due
Other 2014-005015-16 Chemoimmunotherapy in conjunction with blood-brain-barrier opening in patients with newly diagnosed or relapsed primary central nervous system lymphoma Kemoimmunoterapia yhdistettynä veriaivoesteen... not-yet-due
Reported results 2015-004495-30 Safety of intravesical bladder instillations among patients with severe interstitial cystitis Siklosporiini-rakkohuuhteluiden turvallisuus hankalasta interstitiaalisesta virtsarakkotulehduksesta kä... 2019-10-02 due-trials
Not reported 2016-000903-10 Efficacy and blood concentrations of epidural hydromorphone in labour Epiduraalisen hydromorfonin teho ja veripitoisuudet synnyttäjällä 2020-12-31 due-trials
Reported results Terminated 2016-002251-13 The effect of intravenous single-dose dexamethasone on pain after total knee replacement surgery. Laskimonsisäisen deksametasonin kerta-annoksen vaikutus polven tekonivelleikkauksen jälkeiseen kipu... 2018-04-10 due-trials
Ongoing 2016-002927-27 Effect of antimicrobial treament of acute otitis media on the intestinal micobiome in children: A randomized controlled trial Korvatulehduksen antibioottihoidon vaikutus lapsen suoliston mikrobiomi... not-yet-due
Reported results Terminated 2016-003347-10 The effects of PXR activation on HDL-cholesterol PXR-aktivaation vaikutus HDL-kolesteroliin 2018-10-10 due-trials
Completed, but no date, and reported results 2017-000820-83 Otitis Media and Nasopharyngeal Microbiome in Children. The change of nasopharyngeal microbiome and its role as a risk factor of otitis media. Streptococcus salivarius K12 and the change of nasophar... bad-data
Other 2017-001297-41 Intranasal dexmedetomidine sedation and analgesia during minor procedures in the pediatric emergency room : Randomized double-blinded clinical trial Nenäsumutteena annosteltava deksmedetomidiini ki... not-yet-due
Completed, but no date Terminated 2018-000565-36 Paracetamol and ibuprofen/indomethacin in closing persistent ductus arteriosus Parasetamolin ja ibuprofeenin/indometasiinin yhteisvaikutus pienen keskosen avoimen duktuksen hoidossa bad-data
Completed, but no date 2018-000566-11 Extremely low gestational age infants' PARAcetamol Study Hyvin pienten keskosten parasetamolitutkimus bad-data
Ongoing 2018-002383-38 Premedication for less invasive surfactant administration Esilääkitys vähemmän kajoavassa surfaktantin annossa not-yet-due
Completed, but no date, and reported results 2020-001076-14 Efficacy of Streptococcus salivarius K12 oral probiotic products in preventing acute otitis media: A randomized placebo-controlled trial. bad-data
No trial status on register 2020-001769-35 Preventing urinary tract infections in infants and young children with probiotic E. coli Nissle: FinNiss- trial bad-data
Other 2020-002696-34 Prevention Of Group G/C Streptococcus Infections during labour and postpartum - a randomized controlled multicenter trial (POGSI) Synnytyksenaikainen antibioottiprofylaksi G- ja C-ryhmän streptokok... not-yet-due
Completed, but no date 2020-003903-32 Spinal anesthesia and general anesthesia in ankle fracture patients - a prospective, randomized controlled trial Spinaalipuudutuksen ja yleisanestesian vertailu nilkkamurtumapotilailla – etenevä, s... bad-data
Completed, report not yet due 2021-000625-27 Augmenting glymphatic function with electroacoustic treatment. Glymfaattisen toiminnan tehostaminen elektroakustisella hoidolla 2023-12-31 not-yet-due
Completed, but no date Terminated 2021-004628-14 Lomake täytetään suomeksi Laparoscopic-Guided Transversus Abdominis Plane Block versus epidural analgesia in a colorectal laparoscopic surgery -effects to hospital stay and postoperative opioid use... bad-data
Other 2021-006050-31 Vieritestauksen perusteella suunnattu kortisonihoito pienten lasten uloshengitysvaikeudessa not-yet-due