These trials completed more than 12 months ago and should have reported results. Some have, some have not.

These trials are not yet due to report results: some are ongoing, some completed within the past 12 months.

These trials have problematic data on the registry. Details why »

Status Trial ID Title Completion date Category
Not reported 2006-006731-45 PPI-Rebound-Trial 2008-06-10 due-trials
Reported results 2010-022400-53 Intracoronary administration of melatonin for patients with acute myocardial infarction: a placebo controlled randomized study. 2016-06-28 due-trials
Not reported Terminated 2011-000059-17 The clinical significance of acid rebound: Symptoms of reflux after 8 weeks of PPI treatment in patients with functional dyspepsia. 2013-09-24 due-trials
Reported results 2014-005640-18 Does perineural clonidin prolong the duration of an adductor canal block when controlling for a systemic effect? - a randomized, blinded, paired study in healthy volunteers. Forlænger perineural ... 2015-06-23 due-trials
Reported results 2014-005651-89 Does perineural dexmedetomidine prolong the duration of an adductor canal block when controlling for a systemic effect? - a randomized, blinded, paired study in healthy volunteers Forlænger perineu... 2015-09-09 due-trials
Reported results 2015-001086-50 Treatment of hypoglycemia following gastric bypass surgery Behandling af hypoglykæmi efter gastric bypass 2017-04-08 due-trials
Reported results 2015-002116-32 The effect of MElatonin on Depression, Anxiety, CIrcadian and Sleep disturbances in patients after acute myocardial syndrome Effekten af melatonin på depression, angst, døgnrytme og søvn hos patien... 2017-08-15 due-trials
Reported results Terminated 2015-003062-82 Rectal Bacteriotherapy, Faecal microbiota transplantation or oral vancomycin for the treatment of recurrent Clostridium Difficile infection: A randomised controlled trial Rektal bakterieinstillatio... 2019-09-18 due-trials
Not reported Terminated 2016-000135-40 Endoscopic assisted electrochemotherapy in addition to neoadjuvant treatment of locally advanced rectal cancer: a randomized clinical phase II trial. 2021-04-01 due-trials
Reported results 2016-001452-22 Treatment effect of colesevelam for bile acid diarrhoea 2022-02-14 due-trials
Reported results 2016-002217-22 Validation of stimulated ∆FGF19 for diagnosing bile acid diarrhoea 2017-11-27 due-trials
Reported results 2016-004692-53 Changes in bile acid homeostasis and stool habits after cholecystectomy Ændringer i galdesyrehomeostase og afføringsmønster efter cholecystektomi 2019-05-15 due-trials
Listed as ongoing, but also has a completion date and reported results 2017-003829-15 Agents Intervening against Delirium in Intensive Care Unit (AID-ICU) A randomised, blinded, placebo-controlled trial 2023-08-31 bad-data
Reported results 2018-001067-23 Pasireotide in the treatment of hypoglycemia following gastric bypass surgery Pasireotid i behandlingen af hypoglykæmi efter gastric bypass 2018-08-13 due-trials
Completed, report not yet due Terminated 2018-002318-11 The effect of low-dose salicylate treatment on platelet function in patients with renal failure treated with darbopoietin alfa (EPOASA study) 2024-12-16 not-yet-due
Reported results 2018-002376-41 Modulating the Vaginal Microbiome after Implantation Failure - A randomized placebo controlled study of lactobacilli supplements Modulering af den vaginale bakterieflora efter manglende implantatio... 2021-02-27 due-trials
Other 2018-004150-13 Combination Therapy with Interferon-Alpha2a and Ruxolitinib in Newly Diagnosed Patients with Polycythemia Vera. A Danish Safety and Efficacy Study. not-yet-due
Reported results 2019-000131-51 Preoperative endoscopic treatment with fosfomycin and metronidazole in patients with right-sided colon cancer and colon adenoma: a clinical proof-of-concept intervention study MEFO trial Præoperati... 2023-07-01 due-trials
Exempt, with results 2019-001434-34 Dual Vaccine Trial in Myeloproliferative Neoplasms 2022-02-28 not-yet-due
Reported results 2019-002762-12 The prevalence of bile acid diarrhéa and the effect of budesonid on the bile acid homeostasis in patients with microscopic colitis Prævalens af galdesyrediarré og effekt af budesonid på galdesyreho... 2023-09-23 due-trials
Completed, but no date, and reported results Terminated 2020-000725-27 Intratumoral Influenza Vaccine for Early Colorectal Cancer bad-data
Other 2020-000835-33 Neoadjuvant electrochemotherapy for colorectal cancer – a randomized controlled trial not-yet-due
Reported results Terminated 2020-001459-42 Ruxolitinib Treatment in Patients with Severe COVID-19 Infection. A Danish Safety and Efficacy Study. 2022-02-17 due-trials
Reported results 2020-004242-10 Does perineural dexamethasone increase the duration of an ulnar nerve block when controlling for systemic effects? A randomised, blinded, placebo-controlled, paired, non-inferiority trial in healthy v... 2021-05-15 due-trials
Not reported 2020-004442-11 The effect of Melatonin in patients with Low Anterior Resection Syndrome Effekten af melatonin hos patienter med Low Anterior Resection Syndrome 2023-06-14 due-trials
Other 2020-004567-11 Effect of Low-dose Interferon-alfa2a on peri operative immune suppression not-yet-due
Completed, but no date, and reported results Terminated 2020-004623-17 Irreversible electroporation in combination with immune checkpoint inhibi-tion , in patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer - A prospective, phase 2 study bad-data
Reported results 2020-004624-41 Calcium Electroporation for Malignant GI Bleeding – a randomized controlled trial 2023-01-01 due-trials
Not reported 2021-000049-42 Orismilast for the treatment of mild to severe hidradenitis suppurativa; A phase 2, open-label, proof of concept trial comparing the response to an oral tablet formulation of orismilast in adult patie... 2023-03-30 due-trials
Reported results 2021-000428-36 Oral dexamethasone as an adjunct to a brachial plexus block in patients undergoing orthopaedic surgery of the forearm and hand. A randomised, blinded, placebo-controlled, parallel, triple-arm clinical... 2023-05-03 due-trials
Reported results 2021-000429-28 Combined intravenous dexamethasone and dexmedetomidine as adjuncts to popliteal and saphenous nerve blocks in patients undergoing orthopaedic surgery of the foot and ankle. A randomised, blinded, plac... 2023-05-17 due-trials
Completed, report not yet due 2021-005996-37 Gene and protein expression profiles after treatment of actinic keratosis Gen- og proteinekspessionsprofiler efter behandling af aktiniske keratoser 2024-08-09 not-yet-due
Other 2022-003009-31 Atorvastatin for patients with Philadelphia-negative chronic myeloproliferative neoplasms - Essential thrombocythemia, polycythemia vera and prefibrotic myelofibrosis Atorvastatin til patienter me... not-yet-due